The life lesson on equality from my Headmaster 43 years ago still applies
When Home Secretary Priti Patel talks about being called a Paki in the school playground, as unpleasant as that was it was the same for pretty much everyone with a brown skin. I got called that and a lot worse in the form of physical violence, otherwise known as "Paki Bashing" back in 1970's Britain.
As a model pupil I never got into trouble with the teachers and prided myself on never getting summoned to the headmaster’s office for punishment, well apart from that one time in 1977 when I was 15 years old because of this incident in a classroom.
Bullying and racism even back in the 1970’s wasn’t the exclusive domain of boys as some girls could be equally as unpleasant and nasty. I had to endure a small group of girls in my class who would call me Paki, towelhead, badhead and other racist names. I pretty much kept out of their way but then on particular day as we returned to the classroom from lunch one of these girls came up behind me and ripped my turban off my head and ran to the window which she tried to open so she could throw it out of the window. As I sprinted towards her to get my turban back, one of her gang tripped me so I fell forward face first bashing my face on the floor. I had been bought up never to hit girls but as I was now in pain, and with other pupils laughing at me, my anger got the better of me, so I lashed out. I picked up the nearest thing to me, a chair and threw it at the girl holding my turban, it hit her on the arm and she dropped my turban on the floor so I was able to pick it up. She swore at me and ran towards me but in her haste she tripped over the chair and went sprawling to the ground just as I had done. By now the furore hadn’t gone unnoticed and a teacher stepped in to separate us as once she was off the floor she and her friends started physically attacking me.
Given the opportunity to retie my turban, both she and I were frog marched to the headmaster’s office and told to explain ourselves. As the girl was incandescent with rage, she was sent outside to calm down while I was spoken to. Unbeknownst to me or the headmaster she’d phoned her father from the telephone call box in reception and he arrived a short while later. As I left the headmaster’s office to go and wait in reception after explaining myself, the girl pointed me out to her father who immediately started threatening me. He was calmed down by staff and then he and his daughter went into the headmaster’s office so she could have her say.
I had thought about calling my father too but I felt so ashamed of myself for getting into trouble, getting him involved would only add to my shame so I decided against it. I was only waiting about fifteen minutes but it felt like a lifetime especially when the headmaster came out of his office and disappeared into another room and then back to his office and gave me no eye contact. I was fearing the worst when I was called back into his office and stood to one side away from the girl and her father, who was now calmer but staring at me with malicious intent.
The headmaster explained how he had heard both sides of the story as well as accounts other pupils had given to staff and the attack on me by the girl was unprovoked and she was the aggressor. The headmaster went onto explain that so far as he was concerned the attack on me was race related and so he was treating it as a racial assault. I’d never heard any white person use these words. He agreed my throwing a chair was wrong and I’d apologized for this unlike the girl who continued to say she’d done nothing wrong. As the incident happened on school premises it looked like it would be down to the headmaster to decide what happened next, and what happened was not what I expected.
The headmaster said that the girl’s attack on me wasn’t just racial but also an assault on my Sikh religion which he believed made it an even more serious matter. He explained how Sikhs had fought in world wars alongside the British while wearing turbans instead of helmets and her ripping my turban off was something I could if I wanted to could report to the police. He said he and staff would fully support me in doing so as in his school he wanted equality for everyone. Before the girl and her father had time to reply he asked her father how he would have felt if a boy, any boy had put their hands on his daughter in what would be a sexual assault, and whether or not he’d report it to the police. The father nodded his head and shrank back into his chair. The headmaster then announced that if it was left up to him his decision would be to expel the girl from school for her racist assault, but with that said he wasn’t the one that had been assaulted, so it shouldn’t be down to him. I was taken aback when he turned to me and said; “Well, Deljit, what do you think should happen?” So now it was down to me to play Solomon and do the right thing. As the girl was now tearing up and her father was ashen faced I turned to the headmaster and replied. “I don’t want to ruin anyone’s life, so can she stay in school if she and her friends who I know don’t like me just leave me alone, and I’ll stay away from them too. If they do that then I’d rather not take this any further, is that alright?” The room fell silent as he looked down at his desk and he looked at the girl and asked; “Are you willing to do that or not?”. She nodded and her father promised she would and even mouthed the words thank you in my direction. The headmaster agreed to honour my decision and warned the girl if she, her friends or anyone else did anything like this he would take more drastic action.
After the girl and her father left, the headmaster turned to me and said, “I’m sorry I put you on the spot but I know how you are and I knew you’d do the right thing for all concerned. After all Sikhism talks about the welfare of all”. I replied, “Yes, sir, Sarbat Ka Bhalla, is what we say to do right by everyone”. “What you did in forgiving her makes you a credit to the Sikh faith Deljit, I’m very proud of you young man”.
The name of my headmaster was Mr Michael Taylor, he was my hero and my mentor. He was always about fairness, doing the right thing and of course learning. That day in Mr Taylor’s office 43 years ago I learned that there are white people who abhor racism and will always stand shoulder to shoulder with non-whites in the name of equality.
In later years I would consult with Mr Taylor whenever I felt anxious, particularly after finishing my A Levels, and needed advice, or just someone to quote me Shakespeare. It was because of his quoting me Shakespeare that I read many of the Bard’s works. Sadly I only have this one photo of Mr Taylor as part of a group shot of the Jack Hunt School 6th Form, Peterborough taken in 1979. Michael Taylor is the gentleman in the light suit on the front row second from the right, I’m in the second row with the same hairstyle I have today but without the facial hair.
I spoke at my local Black Lives Matter protest last week. Thank you to those who’ve commented that my speech on Saturday at the Black Lives Matter event inspired them to speak to their kids and to speak up on racism. I did this and will continue to do so because I was taught by the likes of Michael Taylor to do the right thing and say the right thing.
If you want to hear my speech which someone kindly filmed, here it is on YouTube:
* All the opinions expressed in this article and on the video are my own views and not those of my employer or any other person.
Financial Adviser
4yDel Singh Having had similar things happen to me in the 70's as a child going from a small town (not much bigger than a village) junior school to a (then) Technical High School with over 1,000 pupils do you feel the girls were being racist or just bullies? I am white, but was as skinny as a rake until I was 30 and my accent wasn't typical for where I grew up so it was difficult to fit in. Prejudice due to accent continued after school in to both my work spheres (I had two jobs for over a decade) My reason for asking, is I have a friend who is a child psychologist who's specialty is bullying. I have seen people picked on and bullied for a variety of reasons during my life and on the whole, I have stepped in where I think I can make a difference (I don't practice bystander apathy), but intervention in any conflict needs to be carefully considered and you need to understand the extremes of both arguments before doing anything other than breaking up a fight or you simply get hit from both sides either verbally or physically.
Financial Adviser
4yIt would be interesting to know the background of the teacher Mark Taylor in the article.
Hi Del, What a wonderful, heart-warming and incredibly welcome story. It serves to remind us all that with integrity, courage, tolerance and education we can help defeat the scourge of racism and bigotry that sadly is all too prevalent today. Both you, as a callow teenager, and your equally fantastic Headmaster are shining examples to everyone of what we can achieve together in this lifelong battle. Thank you for posting it - it has made my day. Love and best wishes to you! Simon
Thanks for recounting this unacceptable experience, Del. I'm glad you had a headmaster who so wisely handled it.
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4yDel Singh Brought a tear to my eye D.