Life Realizations made in Hawaii
Recently I’ve taken a trip to Hawaii and I have to say that my experience there was nothing less than life changing. Aside from visiting my favorite cousin Gordon Xavier and his love Simran Shakti I have had some deep spiritual realizations that I would like to share vulnerably here.
Right before my trip to Hawaii, I’ve experienced the loss of a close childhood friend, “Dlo” Martell Williams. His transition was unexpected, especially since he was young and in tip top shape. We went to the same school and practically grew up together. In Hawaii I thought about him and what I’ve realized is that death is the event that ensures we appreciate everything we can out of life. With each other we are all simply creating memories. Every person we meet, life memories can be generated with them. And we don’t know they are memories until something happens and we can’t see them in the physical anymore. All I have is my memories of Dlo. Today, everyone I meet I’m focused on creating memories. Cherish every moment with people. Love all, for it is the only currency that matters when we cross the finish line.
The next thing I’ve learned out in Hawaii is the importance of nature and the effect it has on our lives. I’ve experienced a sense of constant inner peace while being in nature in Hawaii. It’s amazing how something so wild and untamed can be so beautiful. I’ve experienced waters more blue than my mind can comprehend. I’ve experienced vibrant plants, delicious fruits, amazing and sometimes scary animals, I’ve experienced it all. Nature is beautiful. And I’m siding with anyone or organization that wants to preserve it. There is a balance with nature and technology that I’ve seen done pretty well on the big island in Hawaii. I would like to see more nature preserving efforts on the mainland here and across the world. Nature is abundant. We are abundant. Spend more time in nature with no agenda or plans. Just enjoy it and love it.
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The final realization I’ve had in Hawaii is Ohana or what we call family. In Hawaii, everyone is a member of the tribe. Everyone is loved. Everyone is welcomed. I’ve seen hitchhikers catching rides all over town. I’ve seen signs everywhere expressing the importance of peace and love. I even went to a beach where some people ran nude in the water and on the beach. Me personally I kept my shorts on. However, I can see the look in the eyes of everyone that ran wild and naked. They were free of fear, they were in love with all of their body, there was no body shaming at all and it was kinda like watching children at play. Everyone was also lovingly sharing food and wisdom with one another. There was a huge adversity to too much cane sugar and processed foods. Plant based eating was such a standard there. It was simply beautiful.
My experience took place primarily in Hilo and some of Kona in Hawaii. These were some of the best days of my life. I urge everyone to just travel more. Don’t make plans and put “someday” on them. Just find a good location and book the flight there. Figure out the rest later after you book the flight. God’s planet is so wonderful and so loving. Mother Earth is the ultimate mother because we all are living in her womb. Let’s take care of our home and love each other more.
Stay Blessed,