Lifelong Learning: A Skill Everyone Should Use
I’ve never met someone as multifaceted as Tim Becker. He is Executive Director of the Kelly A. Bergstrom Real Estate Center, which supports the UF MSRE program which is ranked number one in the country. Becker has also recently received his PhD in Business Administration. Whenever I get a chance to speak through Crossman Career Builders, I encourage students to apply for the UF real estate program. Tim Becker is inspiring students each day in real estate careers, and he has taught me so much as well.
I invited Becker onto The Crossman Conversation: CEO Edition to discuss real estate and also the new generation of realtors he is mentoring. Becker spoke on the importance of lifelong learning. He explains how the information in the lessons young professionals are learning may change as time goes on.
“We're teaching students...but that moment of information is not going to last the 50 years of your career. In order to grow and become a leader to move up your organization, you have to learn new things constantly. And with the world changing as it is, if you're not doing that, you're falling behind that you're falling behind very quickly. So, this notion of lifelong learning is it's pretty critical.”
Tim Becker and I also spoke on the real estate market. Becker points out that while most of the country is struggling, Florida’s real estate market. People are still moving into Florida at a rapid rate and there are still developments in the process of being built. Becker states that a great example of this rapid growth is in Miami. Even though most work is remote, Miami has multiple new office buildings popping up. Becker said that “As long as businesses are moving, as long as people are employed, which they are, and they're spending money, then we need the services, we need retail, we need office space, we need distribution of product.”
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To hear more of my conversation with Tim Becker, click here:
Last week, I spoke with Barney McAuley, and we discussed the importance of malls. To hear more, click here:
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John Crossman is the founder of Crossman Career Builders, the host of The Crossman Conversation, and the author of Career Killers Career Builders. Check out Crossman Career Builders on YouTube. Connect with John on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Timothy Becker, CCIM thank you for being a leader