Limiting Beliefs : Roadblocks to your success
"How much ever I try, luck never favors me" | " I am no good at talking to people" | "I can never get the job that I want" | " All my relationships prove unworthy" | " I can never ever make as much money as so and so" | "I don't think I can start my own business" | " People would laugh at me and disapprove of me if I try this" | I am never going to get this job as I am not good enough!
How many of you can relate to the statements above or have ever succumbed to a similar thought in your lifetime?
Believe it or not, almost all of us have some or the other limiting beliefs which prevent us from giving our best, try new opportunities, be fearless and achieve our goals in life.
Limiting beliefs are our underlying thoughts which dominate our subconscious mind. These are assumptions about ourselves which stem from our life experiences and mental conditioning since our childhood. These enter into our system through environment, experiences, and family values.
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The common limiting beliefs revolve around being unworthy of success/ unworthy of having abundant wealth / fear of greatness / fear of failure / not being good enough to achieve all the goals in life / fear of rejection.
Although we do not incorporate these beliefs into our minds actively however, we can certainly work towards erasing them from our system. The way to lead to a successful personal and professional life is to identify your own limiting beliefs and override them with positive affirmations. It is certainly not an easy task since you will be working on that way you think or perceive life. Merely realizing that you can take charge of your life, bring the changes you want in it, should drive the motivation to overpower these negative thoughts that hold you back!
Next time, you realize that a limiting belief is holding you back from trying a new opportunity, write it down, reverse the statement with a positive affirmation, jot that down more number of times, and act on it finally with a belief that if you are a part of this Universe, then you equally deserve every good thing it has to offer !
Be fearless and let NOTHING hold you BACK!