After Dark: A WONDERFUL Halloween Party
Last week on LinkedIn After Dark: 3 Women & 2 Stairways it looked like our digital party was going to hell in a handbasket.
From last week's cliffhanger ending:
In the end, I'd like 3 Women & 2 Stairways to be the definitive work that I'm remembered for as... a serious author.
There, I said it. The cat's out of the bag. Feel free to like, comment among each other below, share this with your connections and nominate 3 Women & 2 Stairways for the pulitzer prize or at least for the best LinkedIn "post" of the year. That's "3 W-o-m-e-n & 2 S-t-a-i-r-w-a-y-s."
As for me, I'm going off the grid this week. I'll be nursing a few drinks at the bar in the LinkedIn After Dark VIP Lounge where I'll require some privacy. Why? Because that's what "real writers" do. Also, because we're headed downhill in a hurry I'm afraid. After all, once you climb two stairways to heaven how much higher can you go? Thank you.
To Be Continued...?
Pre-opening Sequence
I realize that some of you weren't exactly thrilled that your name wasn't on last week's VIP Guest list, but did you have to get that extreme?
Opening Number: Superstition - Stevie Wonder and Jeff Beck
With the crucible of last week's production finally finished, the realization came that I'm going to be forever linked with 3 Women & 2 Stairways. I needed some privacy and was sitting alone in the LinkedIn After Dark VIP Lounge reflecting on the question, "What else is there?" Those of you that know me know that I don't drink - not a drop -but I was about to quickly change that habit. Before I could pick up my champagne glass for that first sip to oblivion, I received a LinkedIn notification stating that "Cory Galbraith Published a New Post."
Lesson from Cory's post:
"Before you talk, listen."
I pondered over that sentence for awhile not saying a word, when I received a second LinkedIn notification stating that "Marietta Gentles Crawford Published a New Post."
Marietta's post "Branding Through Change: 3 Ways to Transition Your Personal Brand" left me with this to consider: "Trust your ability to grow, even if it means starting all over again. Your passion for what you do will speak for itself and your brand."
Marietta's message was sinking in when I was told that one of my favorite authors made a brief appearance during last week's show and asked if I was OK. Who's that, you ask?
The man's a Saint Bernard.
Join the LinkedIn After Dark #Lovefestcomment Movement
The notifications kept coming. A comment made within a collaborative post by Trent Selbrede and Deb Helfrich called "What is the Jeffect?" has stirred my creative juices around the idea of staging LinkedIn's first Love Festival. Yes, a veritable lovefest for all! How cool is that? How about this idea as hashtags are all the rage these days: When you leave a comment on someone's post, say whatever you have to say after "#Lovefestcomment2015" If you don't have anything to say, you can't go wrong by just sending out love and leaving this as your comment:
I can't thank you enough Cory, Marietta, Karthik, Deb and Trent. You took me from the darkest depths to a place where I could actually see light at the end of the tunnel.
Last, but not least, what finally nudged me over the edge was a video submitted for this week's show by Chuck Garcia, who you'll meet shortly. If Chuck and his students can move out of their comfort zones and scale mountains at 5:30 AM on weekends, the least I can do is carry on with this digital monstrosity of a party that we've created.
I'm back! So come on in. Halloween's on the horizon and the water is just fine!
LinkedIn After Dark Intro From Mexico: Welcome to the Black Parade - My Chemical Romance
Tonight's VIP Guest List (In Alphabetical Order): Sou Abbas, Anupriya Abnave, Dupe Adeoye, Samira Akpan, Doug Ales, Qamar Ali Khan, James Altucher, Jacques Attali, Denise M. Barry, Jodi Berman, Amy J. Biehl, Conor Boden, Andrew Books, Renee Booths, Danielle E. Brockman, Daniel Burrus, Antoinette Capasso, Bob Carling, John Cartmell, Kris Chang, Sarah Chase, Prashin Chatuverdi, Tarek Chouman, Thom Chow, Richard Ciach, Leon Clarance, Kathie Kinde Clark, Dorie Clark, Leslie A. Clarke, Matthew Cohen, Barbara Corcoran, Margarita Cramer, Paul Croubalian, Michel Croz, Alan Culler, Donald Davies, Mike Davis, Dianne Dawson, Pascal Derrien, Dave Dillon, Milos Djukic, James Dooney, Michael Doyle, Gerard Dwan, Lou Eccleston, Kushal Ekbote, Sarah Elkins, Francine English, Donna-luisa Eversley, Odile Faludi, Abigail Flynn, Steve Fowell, Morvan Francoise, Byron Frayne, Kester Gabriel, Dan Galante, Joe Galati, Jill Gardner, Mary Gee, Teagan Geneviene, Ian Gray, Nadine Hack, Jeff Haden, Dr. Sarah Hallett, Jeremy Heales, Lance C. Healy, Robin A Henderson, Julie Hickman, Edward Hoefing, Nick Howard, Thomas Jackson, Steve Karlik, Sean Klinkowize, Wayne Koss, George Kripner, Malgorzata Krukowska, Nirbhay Kumar, Francine Lacqua, Tiffany Lane, Quentin Langley, Jackie Larson, Steve Leybourne, Stuart Mackie, Sally McCabe, Cortney McDermott, Brian McKenzie, Laura Mikolaitis, Vahid Mohammadi, Sandy Montalbano, Philip Mudge, Virginia Myers, Timi Nadela, Rekha Narayan, MaryJane Obichere, Taiwo Olowu, Jan Johnston Osburn, Nick Padilla, Kim Paterson, Anthony Piccirillo, Loribeth Pierson, Olga Pogozheva, Brandon Prentice, Steve Preston, Chris J. Reed, Justin Reilly, Gretchen Rubin, Kate Schwid, Siraj Shaik, Reno Schembri, Gillian Zoe Segal, Soheir Shalaby, Deepak Sharma, Sky Sharma, Vishal Sharma, Gary Sharpe, Jeremy Shi, Melissa Shull, Claire Spencer, Joanne St. Clair, Jason Stovall, Dr. Yolanda Subade, Ivonne Teoh, Joseph David Thomas, Barbara Thursz, Joslee Torres, Thomas Trang, Edward Tydda, Shenoy U.K., Amy Wang, Natasha Weisheimer, John White, Pamela I. Williams, Martin Wright and Diane Young
LinkedIn Profile: Meet Chuck Garcia, Author of A CLIMB TO THE TOP, Professor of Organizational Leadership, Mercy College School of Business
Right from the start, let them know why you are discussing this topic and...why they should care! Don't let your audience sense this is just another "Death by PowerPoint."
Your close should reflect the opening in such a way that ties your entire presentation together. Ask yourself, "What do I want the audience to think, feel, or do when it's over?"
Chuck's book, A CLIMB TO THE TOP will be available in early January 2016. In the meantime he's been kind enough to provide us with the following excerpt for LinkedIn After Dark's first ever book party!
Here's the book's framework:
1. PRIMACY/RECENCY EFFECT: People remember the first and last thing you say. Get their attention with your opening. Strong call to action in your close!
2. EMOTIONAL APPEAL: People buy on emotion and support that decision with logic.
3. SPEAK WITH CONVICTION: If you speak with weak, wavering can't persuade your audience if you're not convinced yourself.
4. BODY LANGUAGE: The body speaks before the mouth opens! Most of your communication is non-verbal. Be mindful of what your mouth and body say.
5. MINIMIZE THE DISTANCE: Don't stand behind a podium or anywhere that inhibits your connection to the audience.
6. SPEAK IN THE RULE OF 3: Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Your listeners can only absorb 3 concepts at a time.
7. THE SPEAKER PUNCTUATES: Exclaim and underscore your main points for maximum effect.
8. PAUSE POWER: Mark Twain said, "The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as effective as a well timed pause."
9. ANIMATE YOUR VISUALS: Don't overload your PowerPoint with words. Animate each to allow your listener to absorb the information.
10.VARY THE PITCH: Speed, cadence, and tone. Keep it lively and deliver the unexpected!
Find Chuck's LinkedIn Author Page here
Let's Take a Mountain Climbing Field Trip With Chuck:
Bonus Video
Let's Sit in on One of Chuck's Classes - This is Better Than The Dead Poet's Society
Chuck's SURPRISE! Theme Song: Ain't No Mountain High Enough - Michael McDonald & India Arie
LinkedIn Profile: Meet Cheryl Stieffel, Photographer ► Initiator ★ Architecture & Design ★ Fashion ► Visual Marketer ▲ Research Maven + LinkedIn After Dark's Elvira
Professional photographer with a focus on architecture and interior design, fashion and marketing.
Cheryl's goal is to assist clients by delivering powerful photographic results and outstanding services, which reinforce their design capabilities and provide a visual advantage when competing for new acquisitions.
Like Elvira, Cheryl is always ready to make an After Dark comment!
Should I say hello to Denzel Washington? Would he remember me? At one time he lived in my building in NYC and we chatted in the elevator.
I’m also flattered to have my name mentioned in your post with a photo of Andy Warhol too! Brings back memories of bumping into Warhol more than once in NYC.
I was going to mention Joey Ramone yesterday. Ran into him several times during my college years in NYC. Face to face distance... in the daylight! He was a daunting, lanky character, a bit taller than Howard Stern and definitely a hard person not to notice!
Watch out everyone! Tiny Tim's shrill voice is about to break the ice! Saw him once standing on a street corner in NYC near Macy's on 34th street with his ukulele.
Miami Tower Reinventing an Icon - LED Source reinvents the iconic Miami Tower with a new energy-efficient and color changing LED lighting system. Photo Credit: Cheryl Stieffel.
Cheryl's SURPRISE! Theme Song: You Belong to the City - Glenn Frey
LinkedIn Profile: Meet Peter Cook, Managing Director, Human Dynamics & Founder, The Academy of Rock
Keynote Speaker and Conference Facilitator - Mixing business excellence with ideas from the world of music - Rock, Jazz, Classical etc. Speaking on Creativity, Innovation, Strategy, Leadership, Motivation etc. (Hmm... Peter sound a bit like my overseas counterpart, doesn't he?)
Jimi Hendrix is an archetype of what psychologist Professor Michael Kirton would call an innovator, someone who fuses together ideas to come up with something totally novel. - Innovators - From Hendrix, Clapton to Prince and Beck
A 'wicked problem' is one where there's uncertainty over the destination and/or the journey.
DATELINE: Halloween SATURDAY 31 OCT 2015, 3.00 - 3.45 pm
Peter will be launching the first in a series of inspirational events at The Virgin Money Lounge in London's Haymarket. He will be hosting an interview, Q&A, meet and greet and guitar masterclass with Bernie Tormé, legendary guitarist with Ozzy Osbourne and Deep Purple’s Ian Gillan, a former Virgin Records' artist. This is part of Bernie's UK Tour to mark the launch of his new album “Blackheart”. Book your place at the lounge via email - Rock Gods, Virgins Devils and Halloween
Find Peter's LinkedIn Author Page here.
A Look into the "Serious Fun" Side of Management Consulting
Peter's "Far Out" SURPRISE Theme Song! - Fiscal Cliff
Fiscal Cliff (featuring Peter Cook) tells the absurd story of a broker who reflects upon his life of spreads, swaps, junk bonds etc. and decides to end it all by jumping the Fiscal Cliff … He seeks help with his ‘condition’ in the form of a consultation with ”God”. In a strange epiphany, he pulls back from suicide and repents, becoming a green activist. It’s the usual story of banking to environmentalism…
Halloween Finale: Thriller - Michael Jackson
#Lovefestgrandfinale2015 - Honorary Tribute to Ms. Brigette Hyacinth, a Very Special Influencer
Most people think that leadership is a position. It isn’t. Leadership is influence. You can have influence without position. So don’t be so dependent upon position or formal authority, but use your moral authority, what you know is right. - Stephen R. Covey
Happy Birthday Brigette. You're Greatly Missed
A Brigette Hyacinth Grand Finale: I Will Always Love You - Whitney Houston
Stay Thirsty, My Friends
C U Next Monday @ 8:30 PM Eastern Time.
It's not the mountain that we conquer but ourselves - Edmund Hillary
Executive Consultant Hospitality Supply Chain Sales and Marketing
9yLongest #Lovefestcomment2015 ever record holder said no one ever. At least not yet. Perhaps that might be me! I enjoyed Marietta Gentles Crawford's "Branding Through Change: 3 Ways to Transition Your Personal Brand". It gives me inspiration and hope that some day I will stop reacting to politics and focus on something more personal. My first dog that was actually mine was a St. Benard. We named her Cognac. How predictable. My mom used to rescue animals from euthanising at the animal shelter next to where she worked at Greeley School. Greeley was a school for what they called TMR's which are the classified Trained Mentally Retarded. I always felt that was a deragatory term. I spent some days in the summer there hanging out with children and aiding the teachers while my mom worked. It was actually an awesome experience for me. It's no wonder special needs children and serverly autistic children take to me so well. How do these relate to each other? Rescue dogs and special needs trust me. People find that fascinating. It helped me when working with children and families while on the Henn. County Children's Mental Health Council, the adults on the MN Parent Leadership Network, the professionals on the MN Behavorial Health and Therapy Board, the people on the Henn. County Community Health Council, and my coworkers at the Minn. Board of Animal Health. Amazing. Navagating through all these relationships trying to be of service. You know what? The Jeffect is an amazing story! When I was an IT Field Tech for GE Capital IT Division... my territory was St. Paul. I was at Humbolt High fixing a printer in a class room that a ROTC meeting was beggining to commence after school. The instructor wrote on the board "Pain is good, extreme pain is extermely good". That saying has stuck with me through out my trials and tribulations. It is the one saying that made me pick myself up, brush myself off and keep it moving. I learned a new word "Saladictorian". However, like calculus, I still do not know what it means! 197 results on Google and 7 pages. No wiki definition. What is it? I never heard of it before. I LOVE "Let's Stay Together" Elvira was soooo funny. A great host. Tiny Tim! Tip toe thru the window... Multi dimensional meaning... lol I had a dream about Howard Stern. We were in an awesome place and he seemed to know me really well. Almost like we were siblings. I haven't really listened to much of his stuff but I like that he is fearless and stretches the boundaries a bit. Even if it offends some, it make you ponder and your mind wonder. Hendrix, Clapton, Prince and Beck all geniuses in their own rite. Peter Cook's tribute to Prince was timely. One reason is I had just posted something and it related to the band that performed the tribute song. The lyrics were applicable somewhat to my situation to a small degree and Prince had just produced a song about a girl who liked rock n' roll and making her scream. My old neighbor played in his band. I used to work across the pond from the Graffiti Bridge and never bothered to take photos of it before they took it down. I lived across the lake from Prince and would watch him fly in and out on his sea plane while laying out on the beach. I was a caretaker at the Lake Riley Apartments. I wonder if his old mansion is still purple? I thought MIchael Jackson's disclaimer about the occult was interesting. I never noticed how cultish this video was before. At one job I had... I would spend lunch time in a park that shared a parking lot with a cemetary. It was such a beautiful place and still is. I would pray and meditate there and find such a sense of peace. Steven Covey "your moral authority" is "what you know is right". "Aint no mountain high enough..." Brigette is greatly missed. #lovefestgranfinalecomment on this post anyway.
Leadership Communication and Emotional Intelligence Public Speaker and Executive Coach, Columbia University Professor, Bestselling Author, Mountaineer
9yThank you Alan for the kind words and gigantic feature. This innovation on LinkedIn is beyond my wildest imagination. Thanks for making Monday evenings so enjoyable. You rock!
Digital Nomad - Remote Contractor
9yThanks for the Fiscal Cliff riff - perfect track. Enjoy the time off line, off grid - it is often my most creative. When you get back - you have a note from me - all the best.
A/V/Fiber/IP Customer Relations Manager for live events and production companies, recordist/musician with over 20 years engineering in and around NYC, occasional Elvis impersonator
9yThanks, Alan! Glen Fry and Miami Vice... jeez loueez... brings me back to wearing that ridiculous linen jacket an pant suit back in 6th - 7th grades trying to look very Miami while roughing the winters of Ithaca NY - brrrr! Perhaps I've missed something, but has Brigette left LinkedIn?
Commercial Debt Collector
9y#wonderfulhalloweenparty! Many thanks for this week's party once again, brilliant as always! The price of the ticket was worth it just for the introduction to Chuck alone. Great closing quote, much to digest and think about.