LinkedIn App Hacks
There are a lot of apps cluttering up my iPhone. (I even have a Bitmoji keyboard app. So… there’s that.) In my opinion, second only to my email, the most important square on my phone is the blue one with the “in” in the middle. Here are some tips to make sure you’re getting the most out of your LinkedIn app.
Sync it with your calendar
Now that I’ve made my calendar, contacts, and LinkedIn app all best friends—I get suggestions on people to connect with based on upcoming appointments. This allows me to extend my connection beyond the phone call that may or may not be attended and truly build a relationship with my network.
Audit your profile
50% of LinkedIn’s users access it via mobile.
Having the LinkedIn app gives you visibility into the condensed version of your profile that most of your connections are viewing. Make sure your summary isn’t too wordy and your title is accurate. Just as you would ensure your website is optimized for mobile usage, ensure your LinkedIn profile looks good across any device.
Download the LinkedIn Apps that make sense for you
LinkedIn has made it a point to segment out is multiple functions by creating different apps for each capacity of the social platform. If you are actively searching for a job, download the LinkedIn Job Search App. If you are more interested in keeping up with inFluencers, gaining industry knowledge, and getting your daily news – download LinkedIn Pulse. Check out the rest of the options you have here.
Any tips I missed? Add ‘em in the comments below!