A list of top selected R packages for Missing data by Darko Medin
Before starting with the list i would life to say special thanks to Adrian Olszewski for contributing to our discussions regarding the missing and there is a 'significant' overlap in the methods we discuss/use. Great contributions!
Here we go!
R Package : 'SurvMI'
One of my favorites for missing data imputation in survival models. Optimized for including the event uncertainty in the imputation models. Working within Proportional Hazards, KM, LR fields, tests and can be combined with simulations of uncertainty in events. Functions such as are usually as part of my workflow
The package is highly validated and is one of my top 3 survival MI packages to select.
Package : 'imputeLCMD':
For Left-Censored Missing Data Imputation, this one is my number on. For thos new to this field, this is a special case of MNAR. Can draw data from multivariate Gaussian distributions, impute both Random and Non-random and latest versions have added a hybrid method that allows the imputation of both MAR and MNAR at the same time. Typical for survival analyses of biological systems.
Package : 'InformativeCensoring' . One of my favorites, developed by experts from Astra Zeneca, for me most of the time usual solution for informative censoring MI. Function such as ScoreImpute() and GammaImpute() have worked wonders for me so far and i have personally validated the. Top package.
R package / program : 'Amelia'
'Amelia' is one of the most validated packages in the field of boostrap based imputation and works exceptionally well on cross-sectional data, but no limited to. For large datasets, Amelia is one of the top solutions for parallel imputation, enabling high performance missing data imputation in R. For RWE field, one of my best options.
Package ‘missForest’
If you need accuracy approach, based on having enough explanatory variables in relation to missing data variables, package ‘missForest’ is one of my go to's. First of all you don't need to mess around with assumptions too much which makes this approach very powerful. Second, Random forests will usually be more accurate than other 'simpler' even simpler multivariate approaches. This one is actually using the power of your data and using the power of ML combined to get the quite accurate missing data imputation. The only assumption you need for this to work is that your explanatory covariables are indeed optimal solution for imputing the data, so its a data driven approach.
Package : "rMIDAS".
If you need state of the art Deep Learning based approach to missing data imputation, rMIDAS is a fantastic solution. As you might know Deep Learning is Python's specialty so rMIDAS allows you to run its Python dependencies and integrate your R with it. For complex datasets, one of my top 3 approaches. Even tough this is Deep learning, one of my favorite high complexity fields, this package really simplifies Deep Learning based imputation, such as using a function called complete() and setting the number of missing data imputation iterations using the m parameter.
R package : 'impute'
Originally developed for Bioinformatics, imputation of gene expression data, this package may be used in a variety of high complexity, large noise presence missing data imputation.
Uses the impute:knn.impute(), the k-nearest neighbors algorithm in the data space for missing data imputation. Unlike many other ML algorithms for missing data imputation, this approach uses the Unsupervised ML approach, with even less labels needed and less assumptions
Developed by Bioconductor, highly validated and definitely one of the top packages for Genetics/Bioinformatics field.
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R package : 'mice'
Description: Multiple Imputation by Chained Equations is probably one of the most used and most validated packages for missing data imputation and of course as such belongs in this list and for multiple other reasons too. MICE algorithm as described in Van Buuren and Groothuis-Oudshoorn is the core of this package and its implented using the mice:mice() function. You also have the pooler using Rubin's rules, mice:pool(). For diagnostics, my favorite mice:md.pattern and mice:plot(). Three important aspects of this package, each variable can have its own imputation model, there are a lot built in models and finally it is built to preserve the consistency among the variables. On the other side, its very well optimized for visializing and assessing the patterns, so not just the amount but also the patterns of missing data.
R package : 'naniar'
One of my favorites for visualizing missing data, and includes naniar::miss_scan_count and you can actually use ggplot to add naniar functiont create state of the art plots using functions such as naniar::gg_miss_var in ggplot2 framework for visual diagnostics. Additionaly great functions such as naniar::replace_with_na, as_shadow(x) the shadox matrix visualizations. With this package you can actually model hierarcial missingness which is very important for Structured messiness high level type, often present in Meta-analysis of PL data.
For imputation, this package is great for rule based imputation, so you can impute values bellow at, or bellow if, of course mean, median, mode, zero and so on are included.
R packagre : 'VIM'
Description: Visualization and Imputation of Missing Values. If i use naniar for initial visualization of missing values, id frequently complement it with fantastic VIM, very good for visualization and diagnostics of already imputed data. VIM is my go to for QA of the imputed data.
Package : 'visdat'
So simple and so effective, one of the first things i do when analysing missing data is use a simple vistad(df) and check the heatmap with the types of variable and the missing data classified as NA. This package is my go to for initial missing data visualization ;
R package: 'missCompare'
Description: Offers a comprehensive framework for visualizing, imputing, and comparing methods for missing data. It also includes diagnostic tools to understand missing data mechanisms. Includes algorhitms from mice, Amelia and missForest as a unified framework
Package : 'mi'
Description: Focuses on multiple imputation and includes diagnostics for checking the assumptions of missing data mechanisms. This is very important - assumption validation regarding the missing data. Not many other packages can achieve this at the level of 'mi'. I typically use 'mi' before the final data imputation which is done using ML/AI.
Last but not least!
R 'base' and 'stats'
R base has some of the most validated functions in the Statistics world. Using distribution simulation functions such as rnorm(), rpoiss(), pnbinom(), qnbinom() or dcauchy(), dchisq() or dweibull() and vitually tens of other are the core of many imputatoin packages out these and can be used for fully customized missing data imputation based on the project need. I but this segment as last, but its actually one of the most relevant ones. Special thanks to Kenneth Day for suggesting the addition of R base to the list, which is absolutely logical.
Note : there are other packages i could not add at this time but will add in the future:
Darko Medin
Biostatistician/ Data Analyst at University of Adelaide
7moThanks for sharing this Darko Medin . Highly informative and much needed for my current project.
Head of Genomics R&D, NGS Assays - Cancer liquid biopsy | Epigenetics | Aging | Canine | Muscle Satellite cells
7moBase R: impute.knn
Clinical Trials Biostatistician at 2KMM (100% R-based CRO) ⦿ Frequentist (non-Bayesian) paradigm ⦿ NOT a Data Scientist (no ML/AI/Big data) ⦿ Against anti-car/-meat/-cash and C40 restrictions
7moGreat list of valuable packages, and I thank you wholeheartedly for mentioning me! 😍 You reminded me about the missForest, which I always wanted to try - exactly for the flexibility of tree-based methods and because in real data we rarely have "clean" distributions and have a mix of variables to analyze within a study - especially when we have a compound primary endpoint being a combination (conjunction) of others, both numerical and binary and PROs (patient reported outcomes, usually Likert scales). That's why I like the PMM (predictive mean matching; just a hot-deck case) univariate method employed within frames of mice (in the chain of imputations) for practically all kind of data. And when reading about the MIDAS I also remembered that I wanted to finally try the midastouch version of the PMM. I was told that it outperforms the classic PMM, but haven't read how precisely yet.