The Little Monster Within Us
The ego is the little monster living within each of us. But the ego is destined to dissolve. The pain and suffering it is creating has become the seeds of its own demise. It will disintegrate from within, no matter how deeply entrenched it appears to be in us and our institutions. The dysfunction of the egoic mind was recognized more than 2,500 years ago and for the first time it is threatening the survival of the planet.
A significant portion of the population is beginning to recognize we must evolve. This rapidly growing group of people is already experiencing the breakup of their old egoic mind patterns. As a result, a new dimension of consciousness is emerging. We are taking this evolutionary leap as a result of being threatened by seemingly insurmountable challenges. We must not evolve in order to end the dysfunction our egos have created.
"The MBL Program is work that matters for people who care. How we communicate, listen, take responsibility, make decisions and ultimately succeed are all affected by our level of emotional intelligence." Phil Johnson, MBL
The Master of Business Leadership Program has been accredited globally through the success of the MBL Alumni in United States, Canada, England, Italy, Japan, Germany, Bosnia, South Africa, Australia, Middle East, Saudi Arabia, India and Nepal.