Living Micro, Deleting Social Media, If 2020 was a Classroom

Living Micro, Deleting Social Media, If 2020 was a Classroom

"Every life, no matter how isolated, touches hundred of others. It's up to us to decide if those micro connections are positive or negative. But whichever we decide, it does impact the ones we deal with."

— Sherrilyn Kenyon

Monday, welcome, let me take your coat; I’ll put it overhear on the hall tree. The coffee is in the usual spot, sit a spell whilst I make this morning soup for a small group of hungry humans.

So how was the weekend? What did you do? We enjoyed an excellent relaxing time spent with friends, early to bed, early to rise. We worked on our house a little; my Queen painted some spots getting it ready for VRBO shortly.  I read a little bit and played a little guitar. I kicked her butt in shuffleboard. It was a welcome slow-paced sober weekend.

I asked myself this morning the difference between October and other months; October is a month to collect myself, take stock in my life, and honestly reflect on how we are doing.  As I sit here this morning, I’m delighted with our state of affairs. We are here through tomorrow, then back west to have an exciting week. We will hang out at our western home for 45 days and then return for 45 days.

We will drive back, taking our time with our new passenger, our pup Parker, this time.  I think we will use FURKOT again; I’ve been playing with that application, planning trips from Denver to see friends; I do see us driving a little more in the future; air travel has lost its shine.

Moving forward, we will live life as more as an adventure, taking our time, enjoying the journey. We always have, but now, at our age, we can slow down and enjoy the time moving from city to city and state to state. Our mountain home will serve as our basecamp; we will trek out to visit other like-minded humans.

Over last night, we had company, Paul and Nate, we cooked, well my Queen cooked, and I helped spicey breaded chicken, chicken burgers, and Brussel sprouts. A feast made for royalty. We ate, cleaned up, and then watched South Park’s pandemic special. Worth the time, cartoons can get away with things that live action cannot.

We were in bed early, 9:00, I think, I got more than 8 hours, woke up before the alarm, laid there mulling my day; where was I going, what do I need to accomplish? We will leave here at 7:30, and if we make it home by 9:00, it will be a miracle, a long day with some friends and clients, our last day here, we will make it count.  I’ve got Bay running with me; she officially takes off this week starting her role as voluntary benefits queen, look out world, here she comes.

I think it a time to get micro, not focus on the world at large, but think about our own lives and how we can make our experience and the experience for those around us the best possible experience. There is so much noise going on around us.  Shouting about this and that, murder for thoughts and ideas, violence that does not affect us, but has us asking, are they coming for me next?

I think we can buy into the narrative that things are out of control or maybe lean into the fact that 99% of the world is at peace, and the 1% are the folks that get the attention. In one of my home cities, Denver, there was a shooting this weekend; a man shot another man. It was big news not because it was a murder, murders happened all over the country, but this murder was politics twinged. The murderer supported X, and the man he shot supported Y, get the widow on the set.

I’m not making light; I’m making a point. How many people were shot in Chicago this weekend, how many people died, and this is the lead story? Do you ever think someone or something is trying to cause division in our country?  I’ve felt since I’m not drinking to further my cleansing to remove social media from my phone. I have friends who have done this; they seem happier; I think I might delete Twitter, Facebook and live a nonsocial existence until November 1st.

I wonder how my life might change, how I can focus on those around me, not thinking about hot spots in the country choosing instead to key in on those around me.  If I eliminate the macro and begin living micro, what kind of changes will occur? What will happen to my mindset? Will it improve or degrade?

I will not delete youtube, I need it for Rogan, but a friend did point out I could listen on podcasts, maybe that’s my jam, that is the solution; I can default to podcasts, eliminate all social media from my phone and check in on my laptop? I won’t miss the snide comments about my work, my art, allowing the world to comment and not knowing their anger and angst about my thoughts and ideas. Might it be a more pleasant existence?

I’m heading to Ohio to inspect a friend’s property. A hell of a drive; I visited this place a couple of years ago; my friend is building a campus of sorts, for his business and as an investment.  Speaking of investments, my brother and I bought a building five years ago, held it, and paid for itself, he offered it to the neighbor, she has an interest, and we might take some of our chips off the table.

I believe that in 12 to 18 months, there will be some fantastic investment opportunities, we will be positioned well to take advantage of the market, wealth is there for the taking, there is gold everywhere, find someone that can help you find it. Money is the last thing we need to be worried about these days; things are trying to kill us!

It’s the last quarter of a year that most would point to as the worst in their lives. But I tend to think this was a year of resetting our values, ideals, and how to live our best life. I’m thankful for this year, maybe more than most other years in my life. There have been so many lessons in 2020, some good, some bad, but if you used this year as a classroom, it was full of knowledge and ideas on living your best life.  Lean in, not out, and accept your fate of experiencing one of the fascinating times in human history. Cheers, I’ll see you tomorrow.

"Every life, no matter how isolated, touches hundred of others. It's up to us to decide if those micro connections are positive or negative. But whichever we decide, it does impact the ones we deal with."

— Sherrilyn Kenyon

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