"Living Out Loud," and telling the story of "our dot." sharing the mark we make in the world with it!
Today was Day One of our "Live Out Loud" Challenge!
Each day for the next 5 Days, I will be going live and talking about how we each have a role to play in the Game of Life! I will demonstrate Learning or Skill Building activities that we can engage in, that show the special things each of us has to offer as a Unique "Dot" in the big picture of the world.
Today I Demonstrated 5 activities you could do with the different dots you can find it the world.
1) you can sort them by size, color or texture
2) you can tell a story about what makes the dots you found special, or what the different purposes they fill are.
3) you can turn them into something new, like a piece of art. "dot bugs" is a fun one.
4) You could even build a "dot" scavenger hunt
5)you can do experiment's with the dots you collect. (which one floats best. sinks fastest or flies the furthest). The experiment's you can conduct will depend on what your dots are.
If you enjoyed these activity ideas, and there is something specific you would like a solution for. I would like to invite you to join me for the Discovery Call that will happen as part of day 2 ( Tuesday) during this call you can ask me all the questions you have about taking big ideas and putting them into action, so you and the kids in your life can tell a story that will leave an impact in the world.