Logos // John 1:1
By Mark Jordan | Spiritual Advisor
John 1 echoes Genesis and shows how Jesus was right there the whole time. Jesus is the living embodiment of the Word of God. Logos means word in Latin. A logo, as in a piece of artwork, is a representation of a word or words. Jesus is, therefore, the representation of the Word of God…the same that spoke creation into being and welcomes you home with a “well done good and faithful servant” when you finish your faith journey. John 1:12-13 goes on to tell us that all those who believe in the name of Jesus are given the rights to be children of God. The Bible tells us that all who call on the name of the Lord will be saved. So, there’s a lot in a name isn’t there? Let’s use our words wisely, and our lives to point people to the eternal Logos, the living Son of God!
I help high-achieving, professional women harness their message, their method, and their money! Together, we create their highest ticket offers for their ideal clients! Easy Peasy! *Confidence is the memory of success.
4moAmen! 🙏🏻
Founder Zinduka foundation | Youth Pastor | Sunday School and Teenagers Trainer | Reigniting youth Program| Founder 4Fs | Missionary| Evangelist |
4moAdditional scriptures - Genesis 1:1 - Colossians 1:17 - 1 John 1:1 - John 1:14 - John 5:20 Implanted Word Infallible Word Flawless Word Amen and Amen 🙏👏🙏