spring clean your business
Spring is here, and with economic indicators clearly showing the economy has slowed down, it's a great time to roll up your sleeves and carry out a business spring clean.
With productivity being one of the biggest drags on the economy, cleaning out the things that are slowing your business down will improve efficiency, performance and get you ready for what lies ahead.
To help kick-start your spring clean, read more here or watch the video below where our MD, John Knight shares his top 5 spring cleaning tips.
John's top 5 spring cleaning tips:
1. waste audit
When we're looking to clear the clutter, improve efficiency and remove the roadblocks to success, we default to the '7 wastes' from Toyota's lean manufacturing model':
Despite this model being focused on a manufacturing environment, it’s just as relevant for any other industry and business.
Anything that costs more than the value it delivers is a waste. Encourage a culture that does not tolerate waste as a way to continuously improve your business. Learn more by downloading your copy of the 7 deadly wastes in a business eBook below.
2. ditch unprofitable clients
Unprofitable clients can be a huge drain. Take stock of your client base, weed out the ones that cause headaches, and either cut them or renegotiate for better terms. Head to our blog we created a while ago about the process of ‘raising the bar’, which is a great way to pinpoint the lower contributing clients.
3. review marketing activities
Have your marketing strategies kept pace with your business goals? It's easy to get stuck in outdated strategies. A deep dive into your marketing performance will help refocus efforts. Now might be the perfect time for a brand refresh or a review of your overall strategy so your efforts are targeted specifically to the clients you want in todays market.
4. assess systems + processes
A classic tool which still produces a stack of time savings is a good old fashion 'process map'. Grab a big whiteboard or a roll of butcher's paper and simply map one process at a time. Involve the team so you don't miss any critical steps and then stand back and look... the bottlenecks will be obvious.
5. paperwork catch-up
We are forever hearing about tasks that business owners are putting off because they are too busy. These tasks are often important even if they aren't urgent yet. From getting your tax returns done to getting the right legal documents in place [whether it be your shareholders agreement, reviewing the terms of trade or updating your employment contracts], they are all important things that if done now, can save you a whole lot down the track.
more handy info
setting performance targets in your business
Performance targets are an essential element of any business plan. Learn how to set effective KPIs so that you can accurately measure progress, motivate your team, and drive your business towards achieving its strategic goals. Learn more here.
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