A low arousal conference in Stockholm
Today is one of those days that make me feel very proud of my colleagues. Today I have been speaking with a diverse group of practitioners in Stockholm (Yes, its a tough job but, somebody has to do it). I think the ideas underpinning the low arousal approach to crisis management do appear to be more mainstream these days. If you want to find out more about our training approach My company Studio3 delivers high quality crisis management training all over the world, meeting Swedish trainers just reinforces that the ideas cross cultures very easily indeed. If you want to know more you can check us out on www.studio3.org
Föreläsare och utbildare
6y#rörinteminkeps #donttouchmycap
Utbildningschef Prima Omsorg i Norden AB, utbildare på Hermods YH, föreläsare, H.A.P.P.Y coach, inhouse Studio III trainer och skrivit boken Bemötande inom LSS-verksamheter.
6yIt was a very good Day 👍👏 I really hope I will have the oppurtunity to do the Atlass course in the future.
Head Of Division, Child and adolescent research center, BUP Stockholm. Deputy director Karolinska Institutet Neurodevelpmental disorder (KIND)
6yAha back in Stockholm!? For how long?