Mad Greens want to Ban Xmas Trees and Live X

Mad Greens want to Ban Xmas Trees and Live X

Last week we found splashed across the media photos of NSW Greens Activist Senator Mehreen Faruqui with a placard saying she is offended by Christmas trees.

To the Greens, it’s a big issue, just one of the many micro aggressions dished out by the Anglo Christian colonialists that they see everywhere.

Mind you Faruqui is absolutely within her rights to be offended as it’s supposed to be a free country. Just as our free country encourages free and open debate.

Senator Pauline Hanson exercised her right of freedom of speech and called out Faruqui for rotten behaviour on the Xmas tree issue, but all that did was attract the defenders of all things woke, who instantly leapt to Faruqui’s defence by claiming her attack in Mehreen was ‘racist’.

How predictable that the left woke reach for the racist card when an Ango politician of the right, faces off against a foreign-born member of the Green left.

Faruqui, while very much Australian, happens to be Pakistani born, and as someone from the west Asia she knows a thing or two about elites, herself coming from a highly class divided society where she was part of the well to do local elite. 

She also comes from a community that value live exports of mutton but that’s only because the poor can’t afford to pay for local grown sheep meat, not that you would know it from her views on live exports.

In addition to being against live exports and Xmas trees, she also happens to be highly educated with a master’s degree in engineering, a world away from say, Pauline Hansons background, as someone who came from fish and chip shop stock and who left school at 15 just before getting pregnant and getting married.

But years in higher education and then as an environmental science academic does not automatically gift you any great awareness of how the outer suburbs who don’t vote Green think.

In fact, the years that Faruqui spent in the ivory towers of the local Australian university scene elite seems to have removed any semblance of common sense.

Certainly, a quick review of her Facebook page will highlight the long list of progressive left causes that she backs, few of which would cross the mind of the average mortgage belt Australian struggling with cost-of-living issues.

Banning Xmas trees is just the start. She also campaigns for No Environmental Justice without Racial Justice, Nup to the Cup (banning horse racing), Ceasefire Now, Free Palestine, Truth Treaty Now and on it goes, a world defined by slogans.

It’s very much university level politics, mind you that’s where she came from so, I imagine that’s who she thinks she is talking to.

 The only problem is she is not just putting out slogans on social media, she also gets to vote on ending the live export of sheep, if and when the legislation ends up in the Senate, not that we already don’t know her views.

Like banning using the name Christmas Tree and replacing it with the far more academic botanical name Nuytsia floribunda, one wonders if this is just a game for her or if she is living in the real world.

Since entering Parliament, she has done nothing but find fault wherever she looks. 

She wants to end the Australian culture of horse racing calling for all racetracks to be turned into urban green sanctuary’s, ban coal, ban gas, down with Israel, up with Palestine, trans good, hetro bad and on and on it goes. 

It seems that if it offends middle conservative voting Australia then she is for it.  Even better if it gets a response from the likes of Pauline Hanson which then brings out the radical left, who like nothing more to point to Pauline and scream racist.

We are too polite to ask out loud what value are people like Mehreen Faruqui and the Greens are adding to our democratic system.

Do we really need the Senate when it is slowly filling with politicians from fringe parties who have the balance of power, who think in slogans and who’s priorities are renaming Xmas trees.


Grant Spork

MBA Griffith University / Architect / Builder - Project Management / Product Design


Cultural Marxism....................they want to destroy Australia.

Danielle Wiseman

Research Scientist at Plantation Industry Pest Management Group (IPMG)


Horse racing 👎 Hamas butchering Israeli children and raping women 👍

Stuart N.

Estimator of construction and maintenance projects in the metal fabrication arena


… too accurate and well written Trevor


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