Made Possible: learning disability book is now 90% crowdfunded

This is a brief update about the campaign to create an anthology about success, by high-achieving people with learning disabilities.

It was just over a month ago that I launched crowdfunding for Made Possible, a stereotype-shattering collection of essays by successful people with learning disabilities.

How amazing that Made Possible has already reached the 90% funding milestone, and now has almost 170 hugely supportive backers. 

It's a project, as one backer wrote recently, "worth address misconceptions", while another described Made Possible as "a new book to challenge current narratives". There are 1.5m people with learning disabilities in the UK today but our society, as I wrote on the campaign page, barely gives them lip service.

"Have you ever heard a person with a learning disability talk about their talent, or share the secret of their success? No. That’s why Made Possible needs to be published"

By coincidence, I heard this week that a play inspired by and starring an actor with Down's syndrome is being revived for performance in Bristol next month. I wrote about the groundbreaking production, Up Down Man, for the Guardian last year. Back then, I asked the director what approach was important when working with learning disabled actors, so more performers could develop their skills and talents. Her answer still resonates - and reflects the ethos of Made Possible: “You just need the right conditions to flourish.”  

If anyone (or anyone you know) is unsure whether or not to get involved with helping create this book, then now is the time to join Made Possible's supporters list as we grow towards 100% crowdfunding. 

And thank you to everyone who's contacted me about the project, is supporting the book so far and to those helping to share news of its aims.

Antony Nelson

Delivering change and innovation for the public good


So close!!

Roger Fielding ICF Master Coach

ICF Master Coach; Owner/Director Roger Fielding Consulting Limited


90% funded is brilliant. I'm looking forward to receiving my ( signed! 😊) copy! Very best wishes with this important project. Roger

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