No magic pill to become a successful women entrepreneur: Radhika Garg, Rajdarbar Group

No magic pill to become a successful women entrepreneur: Radhika Garg, Rajdarbar Group

With women in science, computers, engineering being paid half of the men's annual earning, leading towards gender partiality, biasedness, lack of self-esteem, everything counts as stepping in a slow-paced boat heading somewhere. Though letting the statistics and indifference go away, many women struggle, trying hard to change the trend. From being a well-reckoned name in the tech industry to contributing well in Fintech to taking the digital era by storm, many women have given silver lining to aspiring and influential women entrepreneurs nationally and internationally.

As they say, we all need to start somewhere, at some point! Isn't it? And, I strongly doubt that there is any magic pill that will enter your system and push you out into the business world, out of the comfort zone of your cubicle, workspace. It must begin somewhere and be determined to stand against any statistics or unlikely/illogical norms. Radhika Garg stated, "Being a successful, aspiring women entrepreneur myself, ensuring flawless and hassle-free functioning of all the processes taking place at my 18+ vertical firms comes as a challenging task in front of me. Not just only this, supporting other women entrepreneurs, being an integral part of the capital ventures, is the story and like a must for me".

Often, a sheer percentage of women keep on waiting, either for their luck to change, or discover a secret to success from a mentor, or for the change of their environment. Trust me; there is no magic pill/no tool/no method that will give you the answers or give a push out of your comfort or expecting zone. Have you ever noticed the most remarkable innovators or entrepreneurs telling about shortcuts in business success, growth, expansion? No. Because they know, I know there is no as such thing that is in existence. The term 'Entrepreneurship' sounds easy but is equivalent to asserting, especially for a woman, keeping a balance between business and family. Undoubtedly, women enterprises and entrepreneurs are doing spectacular things and achieving significant milestones and inspiring others at a large scale. All through my years of evolving and moving journey to entrepreneurial success, if I have realized anything, then it is that Women entrepreneurs are focused, determined, and aggressive, but they impel to set high business standards.

No matter at which level their business is flourishing at that time, they remain confident, always trying.They learn to focus on the skills and optimize the opportunities to become successful entrepreneurs..

On this journey, indeed, women need to overcome many challenges, including maintaining a balance of work-life, meeting high expectations they set, fear of taking risks, and on and on. It is hard work, quick thinking, and decision-making that play an important role in achieving success. On the other side, it is equally important to do something with successful habits to make the journey towards entrepreneurship a rewarding and successful one. What I learned, experienced, I wanted to share all with you. A few of the noteworthy habits for all women entrepreneurs to put into consideration are that patience is the key. She needs to stay focused on the game. When one starts something, she is full of enthusiasm. There is no reason to rush things up, and understand that everything takes time. It is essential to have patience, listening skills, and leadership to become a successful entrepreneur.

One should cherish small milestones There is no magic pill that will introduce/leave you as a successful business entrepreneur. The great success grows with one just tiny seed, and this growing little by little make the smallest of learnings and successes to be remembered, cherished, and celebrated. One should also not let anyone let you down – On this journey to entrepreneurship, make sure to be aware of your worth, avoid letting people giving you expert advice from their perceptions, or putting you down in any sense. It is a must to clear everyone about your capabilities, opinions, and the fact that you are here for business.

The entrepreneur should learn to say 'No' – It is seen often that successful people say 'NO' more frequently by identifying what is possible and will give you goodwill or promising returns.

 Accepting detours is essential. Being a woman brings in lots of work and other responsibilities. Be it looking after the family, spending time with kids, managing household chores, or something else, accept the detours the way they come, manage and balance them with contentment.

 Learning cash flow management is essential while becoming an entrepreneur – When you start something, it is advisable to hire an accountant to work with you. It will help understand more of accounting matters, taxes, and do not depend on others for any financial decision.

One should also harness available technology and make us of it – Embracing and using technology can empower you as an entrepreneur to be more efficient, smarter, and organized. Try using it in evolving both business productivity and personal growth. It will allow you to connect with your team from anywhere and optimize your business's productivity with the right analytics, efficient communication.

There should be Fewer distractions, clear goal, and vision – It is important to stay focused on only one business concept you are enthusiastic about. A single-minded emphasis and effort on your pursuit, putting all the energy in that direction, will ensure fully-fledged business success.


The Bottom Line:

On this International Women's Day, Radhika Gard added – "In this globalized world and especially India, I feel 'Success and Ambition' goes hand-in-hand and are gender-neutral words. The inter-generational, patriarchial belief of men and women's predefined roles in society is holding us back. These roles need to be made as per the choices and not according to the expectations and stereotypes. I hear women empowerment on repeat from all corners of our society, and I believe it must replace the empowerment/authorization needs with realization. Women don't need empowerment. Society and community need to realize that capability doesn't differ by gender but by hard work, enthusiasm, and passion. I hope going forward - We don't need a woman's day, as every day is a celebration of men's and women's success."

Finally, I would like to add that the impact that women entrepreneurs have been leaving globally in this male-dominated business world is massive. Being a successful women entrepreneur myself, looking at the scenario going in around in the business world, I believe that gender partiality is attainable. This is, in fact, happening in a way that it could never have been thought before ever. What do you think about this? Feel free to reach out, share your experiences about your entrepreneurship journey! Building a profitable business is not overnight magic. It is an extensive process demanding commitment, focus, and dedication. I wish luck and the very best to all the women entrepreneurs to fly, focus on the experience, and words shared above to learn, grow, and evolve. Lastly, do not forget about confidence, presence of mind, and keeping patience!


About Radhika Garg:

Radhika Garg is a dynamic and passionate Indian entrepreneur, a part of the Board of Directors at Rajdarbar Group. She has years of experience across several industries and had successfully launched and invested in different business ventures.



M.P Tanwar Rajput

Founder @ Buniyad Capital | Investment Professional


Very well said


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Congratulations...many more Successes to come , Cheers !!!

Manoj Srivastava

Managing Director at Plugtronics India


Very well said !!

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Vinay Malhotra

H.O.D.Electrical Maintenance


Yes passion and profession

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