Make Every Day a New Year! Issue #141
There’s a thrill at the beginning of each new year. It’s a fresh start, a clean slate. Whatever happened in the past can be wiped away with hope, determination, optimism, and the feeling that our time is now. This is the year that we’re going to get it right. We can’t wait.
And it doesn’t matter if it’s an exercise plan, a weight loss program, or a successful Virtual Assistant business that we’ve got our eye on. The feelings are big and exciting.
We make a plan and we’re doing great. Everything is cooking along.
And then one day, something happens and we’re thrown off. Maybe we get sick, or the kids get sick, or the car breaks down, or the dog has to go to the vet. Nothing major, but we are definitely off balance. Things just got more difficult.
At this moment when things are not going according to plan, everything hangs in the balance.
If your goal is to exercise every day and you miss a day, you have two options: you can cancel your gym membership or you can get back on the treadmill the next day.
If your goal is to lose 10 pounds and you decide to eat a cookie, you can finish off the box or put the cookies down.
If your goal is to publish an email newsletter to grow your VA business and you miss an issue, you can throw up your hands and say this is just too hard, or you can sit down and start writing.
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But the reality is that life happens, and circumstances change every day. To be successful, a better plan is to figure out how to accomplish your goals no matter what happens.
A better plan is to figure out how to accomplish your goals no matter what happens.
Here are a few tips to stay on track:
Life doesn’t always go smoothly and stretching toward a goal isn’t always comfortable. But don’t throw roadblocks in your way when the inevitable happens. New day. New Start. Go get ‘em!
Belinda Sandor is the Founder of The VA Connection where she works with new, aspiring, and established Virtual Assistants to help them build thriving businesses through her free online community, courses, and coaching programs. You can learn more here: