Make sure what we want in life
You have to be honest with yourself to figure out what will truly make you happy in life. No two people are going to have the same path to life satisfaction, no matter how well-matched they are, so you need to look deep into yourself to find out what will work best for you as an individual. This article will help you figure out what it is that will make you happy, and then provide some tips for how to achieve that happiness.
Learn to write down the three aspects of your life that are most important to you and rank them in terms of importance. Does your family come before or after your faith in God, if you believe in god? Is it more important for you to spend time on hobbies that make you personally happy, or to focus on the career that supports your family and gives them a comfortable life? By ranking your values and priorities, you’ll be better able to tell whether or not you’re devoting an appropriate amount of energy to each aspect of your life.
Then make a list of your favorite activities. There are no right or wrong answers, but be honest. Maybe traveling brings you the most joy, or maybe it’s a well-cooked meal. Maybe you love to talk about books, and you should practice literary criticism. Maybe you like to be the one writing the books, not the one talking about the books other people have written.The list might evolve over time. What makes you happy at 20 might not be what makes you happy at 30. Don’t be married to an image of “who you are” — update your list over time to reflect what makes you happy in the present moment.Ask yourself what you want to do if money wasn’t an issue to find out what you’re truly passionate about.
Also avoid relying on material possessions. Having “stuff” makes a lot of people happy, but don’t fool yourself into thinking that just having things is the root of joy. You may want a nice sound system because you love music, but focus on your love of music, not the sound system. Always be aware that going to concerts, singing with friends, and whistling on your drive to work are all equally important elements that work with the fancy sound system to bring you joy.
Learn to practice meditation. Meditation can be surprisingly beneficial for mental health and happiness, and can clear your mind so you can see your priorities more clearly. Even though it has religious and mystical roots, meditative techniques can be used by anyone for relaxation and stress relief.Find a tranquil environment free from distracting sounds and activities — someplace where you can clear your mind and focus on your state of being.
Sit in a comfortable position like the lotus position with your eyes closed, and focus on your breathing.Inhale and exhale slowly, deeply, and purposefully.Focus on your breath, how it feels entering and exiting your body. Be present fully in your body in the moment, and do your best to think of nothing Home - else this at the same time every day to make it part of your routine. Early in the morning, before you go to work, is a good time for meditation because it calms and prepares you for the rest of your day.
Keep making a list of your strengths.The most satisfying careers are the ones that make the best use of your natural skills and talents. If you’re a great public speaker and you really enjoy giving presentations, you are squandering that talent by coding programs at a desk. Maybe you could combine both aptitudes by becoming a teacher! Be aware that your career strengths are different from the skill strengths that make you happy. Some questions that might help you suss out your strengths are to know "What You Want in Life". Do you work best alone, with a partner, or as part of a larger team? Do you work best when you’re assigned tasks or when you get to lead your own projects?
Then make a list of your passions. Although not everybody can have a career in something they’re absolutely crazy about, most people should be able to match up interests and careers to some degree.There are many tests you can take to figure out what kinds of jobs are best matched to your interests. Some people can’t stand the idea of working every day from 9-5 in an office setting. If you crave the flexibility to work at your own pace, during your own work hours, and from a setting of your choosing, maybe freelance or contract work appeals to you. Others might not see themselves following the constantly shifting schedule of a university professor with its attendant ever-changing focus.
Instead, they might flourish in a setting with stability and the sameness of a 9-5 workday filled with well-known, repeating duties.Ask yourself what kind of schedule would work best with your work habits.Don’t choose freelance work if you slack off and lose focus easily!Note that freelance and contract work is less stable than regular office work and usually does not offer benefits. Calculate a budget. Although you shouldn’t ever choose a career just for the money, you also don’t want to labor away without ever making enough money to support yourself and your family. Calculate a budget to determine how much money you’ll need to maintain your family at a level of comfort that’s acceptable.Search online for average salaries in various career paths.
Try and figure out if the career you’re thinking about will satisfy your monetary needs.Think about extra training (such as additional schooling) you will need in order to achieve your career goals. Don’t be afraid of a career change.If you’re stuck in a job you hate, you might daydream about a career that actually satisfies you, but there might also be any number of things, including time, ego, and fear about financial stability, that might stop you from finding a career that will really satisfy you. You need to put everything on the back burner except for your career http://satisfaction.To prepare for a career change, you should begin saving as much money as possible. A career change sometimes means you have to start your new job at a lower-paying position before you can work your way back up the ladder.
Although everybody is looking forward for a happy and peaceful life some might seek this in being successful, minting money, being self-complacent in what they have, by comparing with people lower to their standards, everybody has some or the other way. Some don’t give two hoots about this question because they don’t have to. Life is not a road-map to have a perfect start and end point, everybody has lead their life the way they want, some draw inspiration from others while some make their life an inspiration to others, the rest who always stay confused like us as in what to do with it. I consider life as a white paper given with us with the pen in our own hand with an ability to write a beautiful story.
Many times I come across some successful people in my close circle claiming that they knew what their future looked like and try connect the dots backward and explain people why they did ‘X’ thing in the past to accomplish ‘Y’ thing in the present. I think not many knew what there future was destined to be, all they did was just working on their dream. Some might have fumbled,some might have aced it at the beginning, it all depends on each individual. I found a beautiful answer which laid very close to my thoughts about people trying to connect things that happened in the past as a testimony to their current plight. Cheers!
Freelance Medical Consultant- Health Care, Public & Private for Pharmaceuticals, Medical devices, IMS-BHU, Varanasi,
3yMake sure what you want.. Our job as human is to hold on to the thoughts of what we want, make it absolutely clear in our minds what we want. And from that we start to invoke one of the greatest laws in the Universe, and that's the law of attraction. You become what you think about most, but you also attract what you think about most... If this is the law of Universe.. Why it is not true for all...?
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
3yThank you Srikaanth, Cheers 🥂
Writing and Editing Professional. published author of book Concise History of Danish East India Company.
3yNice post Kishore Shintré Cheers
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3yDefinitely clarity in concept is required
I help Young Professionals and Entrepreneurs find clarity in their lives and make better decisions | Spiritual Writer | Certified Tarot Reader | Certified NLP Coach | Basic & Advanced Ho'oponopono Coach | Reiki Master
3yThanks for posting this Kishore Shintré Cheers Sir. Setting priorities in life is an important part of mind reprogramming. Our mind can be our greatest friend and biggest enemy. So, choosing to focus on things that we want in our life consciously everyday can change the old patterns of thinking set in our subconscious. When we do so day in and day out we attract and manifest those things in our life.