Making A Difference Where It Counts The Most-Impacting Students Worldwide
World-Class Schools, Global Scholars Diploma, and The World Affairs Council of Austin has begun a project with PRONACEJ | Programa Nacional de Centros Juveniles to begin to help students who are incarcerated obtain a world-class education.
The program will feature themed lessons and exchanges with schools from all over the world and interact with the students in Peru.
We are studying themes each month- students will post a video on the website- Each video will be less than 10 minutes in length
To create a video all a student has to do is to create a PPT and then convert it at create your free account- upload your PPT and you can create a MP4 to upload on the website.
Let us help others all around the world. You make a project that you are truly proud of and one that helps all over the world. There is no reason at all to not do this.
To get ideas about some videos to make look at this website
2020-2021 Monthly Themes
September COVID 19 Impacts On Education
October- Online Learning- Good or Bad For Your Education?
November- Should 16 Years Old People Be Granted The Right To Vote
December- Should More Money Be Spent On Secondary Education Globally?
February- What Are The Best Careers To Get Into In the Next 20 years?
March- What Is The Greatest Problem Facing The Youth Today?
April- What Was The Greatest Lesson You Learned From This Project and Why?
May- What Career Would You Like To Be Doing in Ten Years and Why?
For more details please contact Mike Cunningham at More Details