Making Each Other Better – November 2023
Loneliness on the Global Stage: A Validation of Nick Jonsson's Mission
In November 2023, the World Health Organization (WHO) formally recognized loneliness as a major global health concern. The seriousness of this declaration was underscored by the U.S. Surgeon General, who drew a parallel between its mortality effects and smoking 15 cigarettes daily. This recognition strongly validates the mission initiated by our Managing Director, Nick Jonsson, back in 2019.
Jonsson, an advocate for vulnerability and genuine connections, delved into the profound impact of loneliness on health and well-being in his internationally acclaimed book, "Executive Loneliness," published in 2021. This piece explores the significance of the WHO's acknowledgment, aligning it with Jonsson's mission and underscoring the pressing need to address this silent epidemic.
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