Making Space for Something New…

Making Space for Something New…

This is traditionally the time of year when we turn our thoughts towards the coming year and how we can make improvements in our life. We think of New Year’s resolutions. We pledge to follow a healthier lifestyle, take more exercise, lose some weight and cut down on the items that aren’t so good for us. But if you really want to open your life to happier, healthier and more fulfilling experiences, now is the perfect time to dispose of anything that’s cluttering up your life. In a material sense, clear out your closets and make room for new clothes. Within the domain of your heart, release all the hurt and pain and regret that take up far too much room and create space for more love, more peace, more happiness and joy.

There are many examples of traditions that encourage us to bring cleanliness and good order to our homes. We tend to function more efficiently in an orderly environment. But we should ask ourselves whether the same principle should also apply to our hearts and minds. How much clutter, litter and debris lie strewn across the untended fields of our thoughts and feelings? How many tear-stained shadows haunt our memories? It’s time for a long-overdue clear-out and de-cluttering session. This is the perfect time of year to take a deep breath and let go of all those cob-webbed, ragged episodes that no longer fit your vision of a happier, healthier and more fulfilling life. The more you’re able to discard release, the less weight you’ll carry and the faster you’ll move. You’ll feel so much lighter, you’ll wonder why you carried these unnecessary burdens in the first place.

One of the major clues that you’re carrying around too much debris from the past is the amount of time you spend reliving old, painful events. The resentment, of course, can be highly addictive. We love to blame everyone else for our circumstances. It’s so much easier to turn our anger and frustration towards others rather than take full responsibility for our lives. When you let go of the past, you discover the freedom to create a future for yourself that has no connection to whatever happened before. It’s incredibly liberating.

Take a little time to spring-clean your thoughts and feelings. Bring a calm and reassuring sense of order to your heart and mind. Smile and let your mind be home to the most positive energy you can muster. This is the greatest gift you can give to yourself.

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