Maps: Every Country's Biggest Exports / Imports
There is something about a map graphic that gets my attention every time I see one. Especially if the information appeals to that part of my brain that deals with "Pub Quiz" trivia information, and these maps created by vouchercloud do that is spades.
They have put together two great maps, they show each countries main import and export, for so many reasons these maps will engulf your attention.
They clearly showcase the diversity of the global import and exports, and are a good indication of the complexity of global trade, complexity that is better understood when you consider supply chain's are not chains but networks. A recent article "What Supply Chain's really are", written by a good friend and colleague of mine really dives into they ways in which Supply Chain's are being redefined and therefore managed, a must read. If you're interested in seeing how other companies have adopted the approach of managing their Supply Chain as a Collaborative Network, then I urge you to visit One Network's website. There you can find some great information, including, videos, case studies and solutions sheets, on how multi party cloud network solutions have and continue to change the way in which supply chain's are managed.
But enough from me, these maps, are filled with such fascinating information, you can clearly see the effects of Western culture and effects, as well as the major issues with impoverished countries. These maps clearly show the divide between the richest and poorest countries, and also clearly indicate the scale of war in Central Africa, with CAR importing more weapons than anything else.
I have also added a video that talks about the current challenges that most companies suffer from today, and shows a new model that enables companies to service their end consumers, faster, better and more economically than ever.
I will also add a link below to vouchercloud's article on these maps - LINK
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