Mastering Code Interdependence: The Power of Connascence in Software Design
From Fundamentals of Software Architecture - An Engineering Approach

Mastering Code Interdependence: The Power of Connascence in Software Design

Connascence Overview

Connascence is a term used to describe the degree to which different parts of a codebase are interdependent. If a change in one part requires a change in another to maintain correctness, those parts are said to be connascent. Meilir Page-Jones introduced this concept in 1996, and he divided connascence into two types: static and dynamic.

Static Connascence

Static connascence refers to the dependencies and relationships visible in the source code. Let's look at different types of static connascence with analogies and examples.

1. Connascence of Name (CoN)

  • Analogy: Think of a classroom where students must call their teacher by a specific name, like "Mrs. Smith." If the teacher changes her name to "Ms. Johnson," all students must use the new name.
  • Example: In code, if you have a method called calculateTotal(), all parts of the code that call this method must use this exact name. Renaming it to computeTotal() means every reference must be updated.

2. Connascence of Type (CoT)

  • Analogy: Consider a kitchen where all recipe ingredients must be measured using specific units, like cups and tablespoons. If one recipe uses grams instead of cups, it creates confusion.
  • Example: In statically typed languages, if a function expects an int as a parameter, all calls to this function must pass an int. Changing the parameter to a float requires updates wherever the function is called.

3. Connascence of Meaning (CoM)

  • Analogy: Imagine a sports team where jersey numbers represent player positions. If number 10 is always the captain, everyone must know this convention. Changing the meaning (e.g., 10 is now the goalkeeper) requires everyone to adapt.
  • Example: Using hard-coded values like int TRUE = 1; int FALSE = 0; means all parts of the code must adhere to this convention. Changing these values would require updating all code that uses them.

4. Connascence of Position (CoP)

  • Analogy: Think of a recipe that lists ingredients in a specific order. Swapping "1 cup of sugar" and "1 cup of flour" could ruin the dish.
  • Example: If a function updateSeat(String name, String seatLocation) is called with the wrong order of parameters like updateSeat("14D", "Ford, N"), it will not work correctly, even though the types match.

5. Connascence of Algorithm (CoA)

  • Analogy: Suppose two factories use the same secret recipe to make cookies. If one factory changes the recipe, the cookies will taste different, affecting the brand's consistency.
  • Example: If both client and server use the same hashing algorithm for security, changing the algorithm on one side requires changing it on the other to maintain compatibility.

Dynamic Connascence

Dynamic connascence refers to dependencies that manifest during runtime. Here are some types with analogies and examples:

1. Connascence of Execution (CoE)

  • Analogy: Consider assembling a toy where certain parts must be put together in a specific order. If you mix up the order, the toy won't function.
  • Example: In the following code snippet, The order matters because sending the email before setting the subject means the subject is missing.

email = new Email();

2. Connascence of Timing (CoT)

  • Analogy: Imagine two runners in a relay race who must pass the baton at the same time. If one is too early or too late, they lose the race.
  • Example: In a multi-threaded application, if two threads access shared data simultaneously without proper synchronization, it can lead to race conditions and inconsistent results.

3. Connascence of Values (CoV)

  • Analogy: Think of a table with four legs. If one leg's height is changed, the others must be adjusted to keep the table balanced.
  • Example: In a system with multiple databases needing to update a value, all must be updated together to maintain consistency. If one update fails, all others should roll back to avoid data inconsistency.

4. Connascence of Identity (CoI)

  • Analogy: Consider a shared document edited by multiple people. If one person renames a section, all references to that section must be updated.
  • Example: If two components share and update a common data structure, like a distributed queue, changes in one component must be reflected in the other to maintain data integrity.

Connascence Properties

Connascence has several properties that help developers analyze and improve code quality:


Strength refers to how strongly different parts of the code are tied together and how challenging it is to change that relationship. Weaker forms of connascence are easier to manage and refactor.

Example: Refactoring Connascence of Meaning to Connascence of Name

Analogy: Imagine a group of friends who always meet at the same spot in a park. They call it "the big oak tree." This is a convention they all understand. If they decide to change the meeting spot to "the small pond," everyone needs to know and remember the new place.

Real-World Example: In a codebase, let's say you have multiple places where you use magic numbers, like if (status == 1). Here, 1 has a specific meaning (e.g., 1 means "active").

# Before refactoring
if (status == 1):
    print("User is active")        

Changing 1 to another number means updating all instances where this number is used. This is a form of connascence of meaning.

To improve this, you can refactor it to use a named constant:

# After refactoring

if (status == ACTIVE_STATUS):
    print("User is active")        

Now, you have a connascence of name, which is easier to manage. If you need to change the status value, you only update the constant definition, and the rest of the code remains correct.


Locality refers to how close or far apart the connascent components are within the codebase. Connascence within the same module or class is less problematic than connascence spread across different modules or classes.

Example: Connascence Within the Same Module vs. Different Modules

Analogy: Think of a bakery where the dough-making and baking processes happen in the same room. The workers can easily communicate and adjust their actions. However, if the dough-making happens in one building and the baking in another, coordination becomes harder and more error-prone.

Real-World Example: Consider a function within a single class that relies on another function in the same class.

public class User {
    private String name;
    private int age;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) { = name;

Here, getName() and setName() are closely related, and changing one likely means changing the other. Because they are in the same class, this is acceptable and manageable.

Now consider two functions in different modules that must coordinate:

// In Module A
public class User {
    public String name;

// In Module B
public class UserValidator {
    public boolean isValid(User user) {
        // Validation logic here

If User class changes (e.g., adding a new field that must be validated), the UserValidator in a different module also needs to be updated. This kind of dependency across modules is more problematic.


Degree measures the extent of the impact of connascence. If many classes or modules are affected by a change, the degree is high, making the system harder to maintain.

Example: High Degree vs. Low Degree Connascence

Analogy: Imagine a company's organizational chart. If the CEO makes a decision that affects only the marketing department, it's easier to manage. However, if the decision impacts every department (marketing, sales, HR, etc.), it becomes much harder to coordinate and implement.

Real-World Example: A low degree of connascence might involve a single utility class that many other classes use. If you change the utility class, only a few specific parts of the code need updates.

public class MathUtils {
    public static int add(int a, int b) {
        return a + b;

// Used in a few places
int sum = MathUtils.add(3, 5);        

A high degree of connascence involves a change that impacts many parts of the system, such as changing a core data structure used throughout the application.

// Core data structure
public class User {
    private String name;
    private int age;

// Many parts of the code rely on User
User user = new User();

If you decide to change User to include more fields or change its structure, many parts of the code need to be updated, making the degree of connascence high.

Guidelines for Using Connascence

Minimize Overall Connascence by Breaking the System into Encapsulated Elements

Analogy: Think of a large corporation where each department (like HR, IT, and Marketing) operates independently. Each department has its responsibilities and doesn't need to know the intricate details of what other departments are doing. This independence makes the overall organization more efficient and adaptable to change.

Real-World Example: In software, this means designing your system with modularity in mind. For example, in a web application, you can separate the code into different modules like authentication, user management, and order processing. Each module has its responsibilities and interfaces with other modules through well-defined APIs.

// Authentication module
public class AuthService {
    public boolean login(String username, String password) {
        // Authentication logic

// User management module
public class UserService {
    public User getUserDetails(String username) {
        // Fetch user details

// Order processing module
public class OrderService {
    public Order createOrder(User user, List<Item> items) {
        // Order creation logic

By keeping these modules separate and encapsulated, changes within one module (e.g., changing the authentication logic) have minimal impact on the others.

Minimize Any Remaining Connascence that Crosses Encapsulation Boundaries

Analogy: Imagine two departments in a company that needs to communicate regularly, like Sales and Accounting. Instead of having ad-hoc and informal communication channels, they use a standardized reporting system to share necessary information, reducing misunderstandings and errors.

Real-World Example: In software, this means using interfaces, APIs, or messaging systems to manage interactions between modules. For instance, if the order processing module needs to verify user credentials, it should call a method from the authentication module rather than directly accessing its internal data.

// Good example with minimal cross-module connascence
public class OrderService {
    private AuthService authService;
    private UserService userService;

    public OrderService(AuthService authService, UserService userService) {
        this.authService = authService;
        this.userService = userService;

    public Order createOrder(String username, String password, List<Item> items) {
        if (authService.login(username, password)) {
            User user = userService.getUserDetails(username);
            return new Order(user, items);
        } else {
            throw new AuthenticationException("Invalid credentials");

Here, OrderService interacts with AuthService and UserService through their public methods, reducing direct dependency on their internal implementations.

Maximize the Connascence Within Encapsulation Boundaries

Analogy: Think of a kitchen where the chef and the assistants work closely together. They constantly communicate, share tools, and adjust their actions based on each other's tasks. This tight collaboration is acceptable because they are all working towards a common goal within a confined space.

Real-World Example: Within a single module, it's acceptable to have tighter coupling since all the components are part of a cohesive unit. For instance, in an authentication module, various classes and methods may be tightly coupled to ensure efficient user authentication.

public class AuthService {
    private UserRepository userRepository;
    private PasswordHasher passwordHasher;

    public AuthService(UserRepository userRepository, PasswordHasher passwordHasher) {
        this.userRepository = userRepository;
        this.passwordHasher = passwordHasher;

    public boolean login(String username, String password) {
        User user = userRepository.findByUsername(username);
        if (user != null && passwordHasher.verify(password, user.getHashedPassword())) {
            return true;
        return false;

public class UserRepository {
    // Methods to interact with the database

public class PasswordHasher {
    // Methods to hash and verify passwords

In this example, AuthService, UserRepository, and PasswordHasher are tightly coupled within the authentication module, which is acceptable because they are all part of the same cohesive unit working together to handle authentication.

Unifying Coupling and Connascence Metrics

The concept of unifying coupling and connascence metrics brings together two important measures from different eras of software development. Coupling measures the degree to which different parts of a system rely on each other, while connascence provides a more nuanced view of how these parts are related.


In traditional structured programming, coupling focuses on the connections between modules. High coupling means that changes in one module necessitate changes in others, which can make maintenance difficult. Low coupling is preferred because it implies that modules can be developed, modified, and understood independently.


Connascence, introduced by Meilir Page-Jones, extends the idea of coupling by providing more detailed types and levels of dependency between software components. Connascence can be static (visible in the code) or dynamic (visible at runtime).

Unifying the Metrics

By unifying coupling and connascence, architects can get a comprehensive view of how different parts of the system interact and how these interactions affect maintainability and flexibility. Let's look at this with real-world examples.

Example 1: Method Calls (Static Connascence of Name and Coupling)

Analogy: Think of a library where books are categorized by specific names. If you want to find a book on "Software Engineering," you go to the section labeled exactly as "Software Engineering." If the name of the section changes, you need to update all references and signs in the library to reflect this change.

Real-World Example: Consider a method call in a system:

public class PaymentProcessor {
    public void processPayment(double amount) {
        // Payment processing logic

public class OrderService {
    private PaymentProcessor paymentProcessor;

    public OrderService(PaymentProcessor paymentProcessor) {
        this.paymentProcessor = paymentProcessor;

    public void completeOrder(Order order) {

Here, OrderService is coupled to PaymentProcessor via the processPayment method name. This is an example of static connascence of name (CoN). If the method name changes, OrderService must be updated accordingly, demonstrating both static coupling and connascence.

Example 2: Data Types (Static Connascence of Type and Coupling)

Analogy: Imagine a recipe that requires ingredients to be measured in specific units, such as cups, teaspoons, and grams. If you switch to a different unit system, you must update all recipes to ensure consistency.

Real-World Example: Consider two modules interacting via data types:

public class User {
    private String username;
    private int age;

    // Getters and setters

public class UserValidator {
    public boolean isValid(User user) {
        return user.getAge() > 18;

Here, UserValidator depends on the User class, specifically its data types (String for username and int for age). This is an example of static connascence of type (CoT). If the type of age changes from int to Integer, the UserValidator needs to be updated, showing both coupling and connascence of type.

Example 3: Execution Order (Dynamic Connascence of Execution and Coupling)

Analogy: Think of assembling furniture. You must follow the steps in a specific order; otherwise, the final piece won't be stable. If you change the order of steps, you need to reconsider the entire assembly process.

Real-World Example: Consider a sequence of method calls:

public class EmailService {
    public void setRecipient(String recipient) {
        // Set recipient logic

    public void setSender(String sender) {
        // Set sender logic

    public void send() {
        // Send email logic

public class NotificationService {
    public void notifyUser(String userEmail) {
        EmailService email = new EmailService();

Here, the order of method calls in NotificationService is crucial. This is an example of dynamic connascence of execution (CoE). Changing the order would require updating the code to ensure the correct sequence is maintained, demonstrating dynamic coupling and connascence.

Example 4: Shared Data (Dynamic Connascence of Values and Coupling)

Analogy: Consider a group of people sharing a budget for a project. If one person spends a portion of the budget, everyone else needs to know about it to avoid overspending. Changes in the budget must be synchronized among all members.

Real-World Example: Consider a system where multiple modules interact with a shared configuration:

public class Config {
    public static int maxConnections = 100;

public class DatabaseService {
    public void connect() {
        // Use Config.maxConnections

public class WebService {
    public void start() {
        // Use Config.maxConnections

Here, DatabaseService and WebService depend on the shared configuration value Config.maxConnections. This is an example of dynamic connascence of values (CoV). Changing maxConnections requires updating all dependent modules to ensure consistency, showing dynamic coupling and connascence.


In summary, connascence is a powerful concept that helps developers and architects understand the interdependencies within a codebase. By categorizing these dependencies into static and dynamic connascence, Meilir Page-Jones provides a nuanced framework for analyzing and improving code quality. Static connascence deals with dependencies visible in the source code, such as naming conventions and data types, while dynamic connascence involves runtime dependencies, such as execution order and shared data values.

Understanding the properties of connascence—strength, locality, and degree—allows developers to make informed decisions about code structure and module interactions. Stronger forms of connascence are more challenging to manage and refactor, while weaker forms are more desirable. Locality highlights the importance of keeping tightly coupled code within the same module to reduce complexity. The degree of connascence measures the extent of impact changes have on the system, emphasizing the need to minimize widespread dependencies.

By unifying coupling and connascence metrics, architects can gain a comprehensive view of system interactions, making it easier to maintain and evolve the codebase. Examples such as method calls, data types, execution order, and shared data illustrate how static and dynamic connascence manifest in real-world scenarios, reinforcing the importance of managing these dependencies effectively.

Adhering to guidelines for using connascence—minimizing overall connascence by breaking the system into encapsulated elements, reducing cross-module connascence, and maximizing connascence within encapsulation boundaries—promotes modularity, maintainability, and flexibility. This approach ensures that systems are easier to understand, modify, and extend, ultimately leading to higher-quality software.

Incorporating connascence into software design and architecture practices helps developers create robust and adaptable systems, paving the way for more efficient development and maintenance processes. By focusing on both the strength and locality of dependencies and striving to convert strong forms of connascence into weaker ones, developers can achieve a more modular and cohesive codebase that stands the test of time.

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