Mastering Emotional Intelligence: The Key to Professional Success in the Modern Workplace
"Anyone can become angry - that is easy, but to be angry with the right person, and to the right degree and at the right time, and for the right purpose, and in the right way that is not within everyone's power and that is not easy." Aristotle
What is EQ?
The capacity to be aware of, control, and express one's emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically.
"Emotional Intelligence is the key to both personal and professional success"
🎯 The first step to elevate your EQ "Emotional Intelligence" is mastering EMOTIONS. 😎
What is emotion?
It’s a strong feeling deriving from one's circumstances, mood, or relationships with others.
What are The Six Basic Emotions?
“Paul Ekman” the emotions pioneer divide the emotions to six category
🔹 Fear: survival sense
🔹 Anger: threat & danger
🔹 Happiness: most desired
🔹 Disgust: sense of revulsion
🔹 Sadness: the transient emotion
🔹 Surprise: positive, negative, or neutral
Why understanding emotions is important?
Because when you know your emotions and understand other emotions, You will have a much higher EQ.
What are the five Pillars of EQ?
1) Self-awareness:
This is the ability to understand your own emotions, including your strengths and weaknesses, and how they affect your thoughts and behaviors.
↳ How to master Self-Awareness?
🔹 Understand types of emotions
🔹 Analyze your own emotions
🔹 Evaluate how it affects you
🎯 Emotions impact your thoughts that will result in altering your behavior.
🎯 Strength & weakness in terms of feelings and controlling them will impact your emotions, thoughts and behavior.
🎯 The more Self-Aware you are. The more control you will have, The more you master your EQ.
2) Self-regulation:
Self-Awareness is useless without Self-Regulation.
Emotional Intelligence is all about Self-Management, as an individual and within Society.
↳ Self-regulation
The ability to manage your emotions and impulses in a healthy way. This includes being able to calm yourself down when you're feeling angry or upset, and being able to delay gratification.
Self-Awareness; Helps to know your emotion
Self-Regulation; Helps controlling them
↳ The four components of Self-Regulation:
🔹 Integrity: Honesty, Morals and Right and wrong.
🔹 Reflection: Review things as if you look in the mirror.
🔹 Acceptance: Own your emotions and know they won't last.
🔹 Thoughtfulness: High consideration for others and their emotions.
3) Motivation:
Only few people believe and implement the power of motivation. Those few are highly emotionally intelligent people.
🎯 As a highly EQ person you should know what motivates yourself and what motivates others.
↳ Motivation benefits for your EQ;
🎯 Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a great tool to showcase different levels of needs and their build up.
Tips & Tricks of Maslow's Pyramid
🔹 Work bottom up
🔹 Needs have priorities
🔹 Needs drive emotions affecting behavior
🔹 You can't motivate on higher needs unless you satisfied lower ones
4) Empathy
The powerful soft skill that can develop and elevate you from being good to great is
Empathy: The ability to understand and share the feelings of others.
🎯 Emotionally intelligent people are able to put themselves in other people's shoes and see things from their perspective.
↳ Two type of Empathy:-
↳ Why is Empathy an Important Component in EQ?.
It allows us to:
🔹 Resolve conflict
🔹 Be more compassionate
🔹 Effective Communications
🔹 Building strong relationships
↳ Tips & Tricks to develop empathy;
🔹 Be supportive
🔹 Ask questions
🔹 Pay attention to other
🔹 Validate their emotions
🔹 Try to see things from their perspective
5) Social Skills
How can others know you are empathetic and caring?
Through communicating and interacting with them.
🎯 Social skills are crucial for success in life and work.
🎯 Social skills are all Interpersonal skills & Soft skills that enhance your ability to interact with others effectively.
↳ Social skills are:
🔹 Empathy
🔹 Team work
🔹 Negotiations
🔹 Active listening
🔹 Communications
Recommended by LinkedIn
↳ How to elevate your social skills;
🔹 listen actively.
🔹 be empathetic.
🔹 communicating respectfully.
🔹 being mindful of our body language.
🎯 By developing our social skills and EQ, we can build stronger relationships, communicate more effectively, and achieve our goals.
What are the 3 C's of emotional intelligence?
🔹 Consciousness;
being aware of your own emotions, thoughts, and behaviors,as well as the emotions and behaviors of others.
🔹 Compassion;
the ability to understand and share the feelings of others.and be more empathetic.
🔹 Connectedness;
the ability to build and maintain strong relationships with others.
🎯 Combing them are essential for EQ, and they work together to help navigate the complex world of human relationships.
🎯 Developing 3 C's,improve relationships,improve communication,and ability to achieve goals
Which is a better intelligence quotient (IQ) or Emotional intelligence (EQ) ?
What does it measures ?
↳ IQ: Cognitive Intelligence (Power of Mind)
↳ EQ: Emotional Intelligence (Power of Emotions)
What skills it supports ?
↳ IQ: Problem solving, Learning, Logical analysis
↳ EQ: self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills.
What are the benefits?
↳ IQ: problem-solving, strategic thinking, and making quick decisions.
↳ EQ: Building and maintaining relationships, Collaborating with colleagues and Leading teams
🎯 IQ & EQ are important, but people with high EQs are more likely to be happy and successful in their careers and relationships.
What is Emotional Intelligence in Leadership?
IT’s a FACT, people with Higher EQ are better leaders
EQ is essential for leadership in the dynamic world of business;
🔹 Effective Decision-Making
🔹 Build Stronger Relationships
🔹 Navigate Conflict and Change
🔹 Motivating and Inspiring Teams
🔹 Create a Positive Work Environment
🎯 To develop EQ as a leader, consider empowering the five pillars of EQ Check them in Comments below
Why is EQ important for teamwork?
🔹 Conflict resolution:
🔹 Stronger relationships:
🔹 Effective communication:
↳ How can we develop EQ for teamwork?
🔹 Empathy
🔹 Assertiveness
🔹 Active listening
🔹 Self-Awareness
🔹 Emotional regulation
↳ Tips for developing EQ for teamwork:
🔹 Seek feedback
🔹 Use "I" statements
🔹 Be mindful of your words
🔹 Pay attention to your body language
🎯 By developing your EQ, you can become a more valuable member of your team and contribute to your team's success.
EQ: The Driving Force Behind Personal and Professional Success
Personal benefits of EQ
🔹 Improved relationships
🔹 Increased self-awareness
🔹 Greater emotional resilience
🔹 Improved mental and physical health
Business benefits of EQ
🔹 Enhanced leadership
🔹 Increased productivity
🔹 Empowered teamwork
🔹 Improved customer service
What is Business Emotional Intelligence ?
Emotional intelligence is a skill that empowers Self performance and Social performance.
When companies hire high EI candidates they hire a self aware employee who knows his emotions and how to handle them.
This self awareness results in better self management that leads to better self performance.
As well, High EI employees show strong social awareness that leads to better relationship management.
That's to say they perform well as an individual and as a part of a group. So Business Emotional Intelligence is a must in any new hire.
How to measure EI ?
Many tools Can be used to measure EI:
It can be a self assessment questionnaire:-
1) The Emotional Capital Report (RocheMartin); A 15 minutes questionnaire
2) The Emotional Quotient Inventory (Bar-On); 133 questions scaled 1-5
3) The Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT); 45 minutes Questionnaire with 141 Question
As well, EI can be assessed through panel interviews to give scenarios and assess the candidate from different interviewees to avoid any biases or conflicts.
In addition, Role plays and workshops to test the candidate in a social setting to evaluate not only his self awareness but also his social awareness.