MASTS Friday Newsletter 6/9/24
The MASTS Forums want to hear from you!
Next week, several of the MASTS Forums are holding their quarterly Steering Group Meetings, including the Sustainable Aquaculture Forum, the Coastal Forum, the Deep Sea Forum and the Marine Climate Change Forum. They want to hear from you! Each Forum has a small budget to support activities, so if you have specific ideas (such as a workshop, policy brief production, or training for example) that you would like a particular Forum to support, please contact us. If you are a MASTS member and would be interested in joining a Forum’s Steering Group and becoming more involved in operational matters, please let us know and we can make the relevant connections. All career stages welcome (PhD to Prof).
Funding Opportunities
Annual Science Meeting 2024
The ASM will take place on 5-7th November at the Technology & Innovation Centre in Glasgow. The call for abstracts has now closed and the abstracts are being reviewed. We can still accommodate a few more eposters, so please get in touch if this is of interest and you didn’t manage to meet the abstract deadline.
Early Bird Tickets Now Available for MASTS ASM 2024! This year’s theme, “Marine Science in an Ocean of Change,” will bring together leading experts to explore cutting-edge research and strategies in marine science amidst global climate change and biodiversity challenges. Don’t miss out—secure your spot today with early bird pricing! Limited online attendance options are also available. Find out more about what is happening on our ASM Webpage or go straight to our events page to get your early bird ticket!
Seabird conservation
Five seabirds have been added to the UK’s birds of conservation concern (BoCC) red list - signalling they are at risk of local extinction. The species added are Arctic tern, Leach’s storm petrel, common gull, great skua and great black-backed gull. They join other seabird species such as the Atlantic puffin, kittiwakes and Arctic skua on the list.
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NERC Pushing the Frontiers January 2025
The Pushing the Frontiers of environmental research January 2025 opportunity will be launching shortly, visit the funding opportunity on the UKRI funding finder page.
Impact of wind farms on the seabed
In the news this week we have heard from MASTS members at Essex University about their study looking at the impact of wind farms on the seabed.
MCCIP UKOTs CAPABILITY WORKSHOP: Climate-smart marine spatial planning in the UK Overseas Territories. The UK Marine Climate Change Impacts Partnership (MCCIP) is hosting an online workshop on climate smart marine spatial planning in the UKOTs (10th September 2024, 3-5pm BST). Register here.
Funding Opportunities