Are Maturity Models the Holy Grail?
They are plenty and very diverse maturity models for almost everything out there.
One classic example these days is the huge amount of different transformation digital models that show how your organization should move toward its digital future.
They are usually shown as a pyramid in which the top layers are successively supported by all the levels below them. They seem to be the Holy Grail, the North Star you should follow wherever they signal, don't they?
Maturity models are based on the idea that there is a set of characteristics or capabilities that increases an organization’s chances of success in a particular area. Therefore, an organization that fosters these capabilities will be in a better position to succeed in a particular field, right?
They are clearly on the hype these days, and they may be helpful …
… but I am not really a big fan of maturity models.
But we all know that not everything that glitters is gold and there are some inherent issues (and upsides!) in this approach we all should be aware of.
Let's start by shedding some light on the shadows.
Five Downsides
Success does not always depend on being at the pinnacle of maturity, nor does it depend on the organization transforming its chosen positions. Many organizations specifically choose to follow others or to tackle parts of the market that are left behind by others.
Which is usually dependent on the ability of the organization to adopt or cultivate these specific capabilities. But truly disruptive and innovative organizations have not necessarily followed this pattern.
But not all characteristics and success factors will apply to an individual organization or every type of position. It may not really focus on what is needed most in a specific organization according to its strategy nor does it help to identify potential opportunities for it.
In this case, the organization assumes that, as long as they comply with the maturity model, the eventual result will be the best possible outcome.
Most of the time, preferable is better than perfect.
Five Advantages
But in the same way, as it happens to the Chinese Ying Yang philosophy, there are also silver linings:
Maturity models are more helpful to organizations that have already defined their desired position and want to understand how it maps to other organizations, which have already taken that journey. They are extremely helpful if your organization wishes to follow in the footsteps of those who have already been successful.
However, they are not appropriate tools for those organizations willing to disrupt industries, markets, or economies. Mainly because these positions are not mature or firmly established yet.
In the beginning, the most disruptive organizations are often relatively immature to some scales.
In the end, they set the example others will rush to imitate.
They are very useful tools if you know how to make the most of them. But you also should bear in mind their risks and develop a critical spirit to avoid being caught off-guard in the future!
And remember best practices were never meant to provide a competitive advantage for anyone...
Article originally published on Transformation Architect