Maximising the benefits of ORP

Maximising the benefits of ORP

Sandra was born and raised in Perthcelyn. In fact, Sandra still lives in the same house she was born in. A lot has changed since Sandra was a little girl but the community of Perthcelyn has been the one constant that she is incredibly proud of.


One of the most recent changes Sandra has experienced is the thermal improvement works completed on her home as part of Trivallis’ Optimised Retrofit Programme.

Optimised Retrofit Programme (ORP) is a fancy way of saying we’re make improvements to your home so that it gets warmer more quickly and then keeps that heat in. And it costs way less to do it!

Sandra is a is self-proclaimed high energy user, but it’s not always out of choice.

Sandra has COPD, which is a lung disease. If the house is too cold Sandra starts to cough and her risk of getting ill worsens. If the house is too hot, it gets too dry and Sandra starts to cough and gets ill. For Sandra, finding that goldilocks temperature that’s ‘just right’ isn’t just about cost saving, it’s lifesaving.

Since having the improvements to her home, Sandra has noticed a huge difference.

“I used to have to blast the heating throughout the day which would always set me off coughing. It was also really expensive. I’d put it up to 20 degrees and it would still be cold in here. But now I can put it on a lower steady heat and it stays warm.

“My heating costs have halved and in fact, it stays so warm I have to knock the heating off at half seven, so it cools down in time for bed. It’s magnificent.”

“We didn’t have central heating back in those days. We had a generator here in the kitchen and a fireplace. That’s just how it was.”

Since having the works done Sandra finds her wellbeing has also benefitted. She feels more relaxed and happier in her own home. The worries about heating costs have gone and the cold journey into the kitchen to make a cuppa in the morning is a thing of the past.

“You also feel prouder in your home. As well as keeping me warmer it looks better.”

Now the main works are complete, Sandra is waiting for a few finishing touches before re-decorating her home and then getting back out in the garden to do some planting.

“It was a lot of hassle having the work done, it is a messy job. But if I had my time again and they asked me to do it, I’d absolutely jump at the chance, it’s totally worth it!”

Rhian Cook

“Hi, I’m Rhian Cook and I’m a Tenant Liaison Officer (TLO) at Trivallis. My role as a TLO is to make sure tenants are supported and kept up to date during major works to their home. But for me this is more than just a job, it’s what I love to do.

“I love talking to people so for me it’s been great to spend so much time in the community helping people and making sure they feel properly supported as we make these huge improvements to their homes.

“I’m a valleys girl myself so I know what it’s like growing up in Trivallis communities and I know the difference this is making to so many people’s lives.

“When this job came up, I absolutely jumped at the chance because for me it was the perfect opportunity to help people and help them adjust to this new way of living. I came from a housing association over in Gwent where I’d worked for eight years, but I wanted to be able to make a difference in the area that I live in. To be able to see the impact of the work, while reducing my own carbon footprint by working locally.

“By working in the same area for the last year, I’ve been given the time to get to know people and really understand how they can make the most out of these works. As a result, I’ve met some amazing people and got to see the huge difference this has made to their everyday lives.

“For some people this means an energy saving of up to £200 a month which with the current cost of living crisis means absolutely everything.”

“From health benefits and savings to just feeling proud of your home and more comfortable living in it, the Optimised Retrofit Programme has changed lives and I’d like to think I’ve helped people maximise the benefits along the way.

"You don’t give your kids their first bike and send them off on their own. You pop on the stabilisers and stay hands on until they are ready to go it alone.

“When there have been questions or problems I’ve enjoyed being there on behalf of the tenants, making sure our contractors meet their needs and put them first. Being able to help that relationship with the contractors has also allowed us to adapt our approach to each home, making sure we make small changes that are tailored to people’s specific needs.

“I think I’m really going to miss working with tenants in Perthcelyn when this is over but will definitely stay in touch.

“I also just want to thank everyone in Perthcelyn for being so kind and welcoming. It’s been really great getting to know you and I hope everyone continues to stay warm for less after these works are completed.”

Vic Cox

Vic Cox says: “ORP is a horrible name isn’t it? For me, while the thermal improvement works are important, it’s actually about the difference it makes for our tenants.

“I love my job, but Director of Assets and Regeneration does sound a lot colder than it really is. My job is to make sure people have the best homes to live in and that our homes are fit for people both now and in the future. And I really do hope I’m bringing a lot of warmth to that, and not just through more affordable heating.

“This job and the impact it has is a huge responsibility, but one I take very seriously. As a former military man, I apply my precision and skill to make sure our tenants’ needs are the central target of our improvement programmes.

“If improvement work doesn’t save tenants money or make their lives better, then I have to ask if it’s really worth us doing them? And because we’ve asked ourselves that question, what we now have is a programme of work, including ORP, that is focused on short and long term benefits, that mean our tenants spend less money on heating and more on living a happy and healthy life.”

Suzanna Morgan

Housing and Energy professional


Showing retrofit can be very positive, great work for Sandra. 🙌


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