Meet my Uncle Joe from The Flat Earth Society...
It's fun, the treasures you find while writing... Meet my Uncle Joe from The Flat Earth Society...
The first person to draw a world map with earth as a sphere was the Greek Eratosthenes. The earliest known map of the world was created by the Greek Anaximander. In 6th century BC, he drew a map of the then known world, assuming that the earth was flat.
As their website suggests, “The Flat Earth Society mans the guns against oppression of thought and the globularist lies of a new age. Standing with reason we offer a home to those wayward thinkers that march bravely on with reason and truth in recognizing the true shape of the Earth… FLAT.”
My relative, Joseph Holden (1815-1900) was a prominent American Flat Earth lecturer in the late 19th Century. The son of a sawmill owner in Otisfield, Maine, he was a former justice of the peace, trial justice, candidate for state senator and census enumerator before beginning to lecture at the age of 75. Uncle Joe, as I’m fond of calling him, used a non-confrontational approach in his lectures and was well liked by both believers and non-believers who attended. Joe appealed to common sense evidence to argue his position.
One of his more famous experiments was to set a pail of water atop a pole overnight and check it in the morning. His assertion was that a revolving Earth would have moved the pail. As expected, the pail was in its original place the next morning. Being that Joe was a relative of mine, I would like to think that his efforts in the area of the earth being flat were done in jest with tongue-in-check, but one will never know.
Coming soon in Don't Lie Down In The Aisle