A meeting with Gratitude!
Yesterday I met a funny dude,
He said his name was gratitude,
He seems in an upbeat mood,
So, I asked him the reason for his attitude?
He said his life was suddenly wonderful,
As in the Covid situation, everyone was grateful,
The working parents become playful,
God was remembered for being merciful!
The sons were supportive and helpful,
The daughters and DILs were dutiful,
Mothers and MILs were thoughtful,
Only, the children were still a handful!
Some were learning to be skilful,
Some meditated to be peaceful,
Even if some were scared and fearful,
Friends and family made them joyful!
There was no time to be scornful.
There was no space to be spiteful,
No need to be crazy and deceitful,
Life is simple and blissful!
Then said Gratitude, “I am mirthful,
To see this situation as hopeful,
God’s grace is abundant and plentiful,
So, thank him and let’s be grateful!”
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4ySo inspiring!