Mentoring is a two-way street- Are you learning from your mentee?
Do you consider mentoring as a unidirectional flow of support and guidance from you to your mentor without any reciprocal sharing? If yes, you're overlooking a big potential any mentoring relationship has to offer, that of reverse mentoring. A mentee can be a source of great knowledge and learning-
Learn about generational differences
More often than not that is a significant age difference between a mentor and a mentee. While you can help your mentee navigate life challenges, they can help with insights into the life and work styles of their generation to equip you the knowledge you need to mentor them well.
Learn about what's new
A mentee younger than you is bound to be well versed with the latest technologies and its benefits. They can help you understand what's new in the market and how to leverage it the best. As they know more, they can help better
Learn the latest techniques
The definition of an effective mentoring relationship changes every few years. Your mentor can help you unveil the latest tools and techniques to get through to the new generation.
Simply put, reverse mentoring offers a plethora of avenues that numerous mentors seem to ignore. It is important for mentors to shed their perceived hierarchical position and embrace the idea of learning from their mentees.
Also, read
Mentoring- A critical path to leadership
Accelerate your professional growth: Find a mentor
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