MESC 2021 Daily Digest: Day 3, Part Two

MESC 2021 Daily Digest: Day 3, Part Two

Welcome to the Daily Digest for MESC 2021. Our consultants have gathered the latest and greatest information shared at this incredible conference to keep you up to date. Keep reading; not only is there knowledge you won’t find anywhere else but a chance to win!

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National Alliance to Impact the Social Determinants of Health 

Social Determinants of Health are gaining federal legislative attention. There are several new bills in the House and Senate that will help provide funding and standards to improve coordination points to move the needle. These include:  

  • H.R. 370/S. 104: Improving Social Determinants Act of 2021 
  • H.R. 2503, S. 509: The Social Determinants Accelerator Act of 2021 
  • S. 509: Leveraging Integrating Networks in Communities (UNC) to Address Social Needs Act of 2021 
  • H.R. 3894: CARING for Social Determinants Act of 2021 
  • H.R. 831 Health STATISTICS Act 

Social Determinants Data: Enhanced Medicaid Match for Cross-Agency Integrated Data Resources 

The pandemic has magnified how social determinants impact healthcare and solutions to provide a better understanding of the whole person, 360-degree view because no single agency has all data elements.  

Covid-19 has contributed to the unemployment, homelessness, and behavioral health crisis in the State of Rhode Island. The State has received 90 percent enhanced FFP from CMS for their project that will include data integration, data sharing, and social determinants of health (SDOH) to monitor equitable economic and health recovery by sociodemographic and geographic subgroups.  

Health Express: Streamlining Remote Program Participation through FHIR 

This was an innovation track session moderated by PK consultant Naomi Snodgrass, who offered an example of an effort to use standard, reusable APIs (such as FHIR) to enhance interoperability and sharing of information across programs to fill the gaps between “unintegrated programs” across Federal partner programs including Child Welfare (foster care), SNAP, TANF, WIC, Child Care, Head Start, Medicaid, and Energy programs.  

The intent is to make it easier and faster for participants to gain access and eligibility to programs, to enable outreach for families not yet enrolled, but eligible for programs. The Health Express effort has defined use cases for outreach and access, among others.  

Everything You've Ever Wanted to Know About Outcomes 

CMS discussed the focus on outcomes in APD funding requests, and distinguished between regulatory outcomes and state-specific outcomes through some examples:  

  • Regulatory:  "Determine eligibility within 45 days" 
  • State-specific: "Reduce the time it takes for a provider to get enrolled to reduce the administrative burden on Medicaid providers." 

CMS established a repository to share information with CMS State Officers, states, and vendors. The repository is hosted on GitHub and will be added to over time: 

Operating Rules Improve Prior Authorization and Attachment Provider Workflow 

Kassie Gram from PK moderated a session presented by CAQH that defined operating rules as the necessary business rules and guidelines for the electronic exchange of information that are not defined by a standard or implementation specifications as adopted. 

The CAQH CORE is the HHS designated Operating Rule author for all HIPAA covered transactions. States can participate and receive certification through CAQH CORE for no fee and are encouraged to pursue the potential administrative savings that could be realized from fully automating the Prior Authorization workflow.  

Rebuilding the Plane in Flight 

This session was presented by 18F, which is an office of the Federal General Services Administration that partners with government agencies to help them apply new ideas and approaches to deploying IT systems. This organization is currently working with Washington on their Integrated Eligibility Roadmap planning effort, where PK is providing QA to this effort.  

Because States don’t get to take a break from delivering services while they modernize their Medicaid systems, 18F offered these recommendations: 

  • Think in terms of user value, then connect the technology to the user need. 
  • Consider multiple approaches, but don’t get “bogged down” by analyzing the details of too many solutions. 
  • Build momentum by taking one step at a time. Look for ways to deliver value in increments and learn as you go along. Think: is there a pain point or gap in functionality you could address first?  
  • Work in cross-functional teams. 
  • Don’t think of it as a system replacement, or else you’ll end up rebuilding your current system. 
  • Focus on application programming interfaces (APIs) and facilitating connections between vendors and systems.  
  • Avoid abrupt cutovers. Instead, build in a transition period and runways into your contracts to ease the transition.  
  • Build in ways to terminate contractors that aren’t delivery the intended value. Additionally, build in a mechanism to extend contracts and relationships that are working well and delivering value. (For example, i.e., use Quality Assurance Surveillance Points or QASPs). 

Keep your eye out for the next Daily Digest from MESC 2021. In the meantime, share a problem with us and earn a chance to win a $200 Visa Gift Card. Fill out the form here.

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