FDA Testing Levels of Carcinogen in Diabetes Drug Metformin
After more than 5 years mentioned by researchers in Natural medicine, finally the FOOD & DRUG ADMINISTRATION (FDA) came to the conclusion they could'n ignore anymore the findings done by my fellow scientists in Natural science. Let me be cristal clear. There are so called alternative ways to combat diabetes 2. I know them and they are realy working but...they are not recognized since the are natural and NOT patentable or protectable for business reasons.
Besides that Metformin is NOT a specific cancer promoting compound. It is an "intermediate" in the cancer process which can go both ways. This means it depends on what is going together with it. Durig a short istigatig research at the USF & The Moffitt Institute of Cancer Research in Tampa(Fl) - USA I came to the concusion that metformin could be used as the mediating factor in the blocking of cancer stem cells (CSC's) which dare to remain after chemotherapy. A cluster with metformin and 4 natural substances from the Idian Ayurveda where able to bring the CSC's in a knock-out situation. But again no pharmaceutical firm will be interested since they are unable to make profit on it, since they can't take the risk that after very expensive research every copetitor can copy the formula in what they technically name a "Me Too" formula.
Guy Van Elsacker DrSc. Biomed Expert