Beautiful comment from a writer Geetanjali Arora on "ME TOO".
You do me favors, I do you favors. 30 years later lets call it "me too"
A strong woman does not wait 30, 20, 10 years to speak up, she slaps him on the first bad touch and knocks him out.
Don't hide your weakness, the favors in returns that you enjoyed and the work you got by I was too scared cry now.
You were scared to say NO then because it was hard to stand up for what was right and you were scared to loose your status and position in the work place, so YOU CHOSE to accept the molestation and went back for more...
Its very easy to play the abla nari card later and gain sympathy.
The Shakti does not wait for a later date to speak up, she silences the evil on the spot...
My thoughts on this nonsense of me too.
I don't have me too stories, anyone who tried got a tight slap then and there and I was never afraid to walk out with my head held high - be it in a Job or relationship.
Strong Women don't have me too sob stories, they only have I slapped him back short essays
Food, Beverage & CPG Product Photographer & Videographer
6yFresh perspective but you can't really generalise. Not everybody can muster the courage to speak about sexual harrassment. Not every woman back in the day understood the power of social media. Not every organisation had a sexual harrassment committee. How many women would have been threatened that their careers would be destroyed had they spoken to anyone. And not every sexual encounter would have been consensual. So I don't really believe that the campaign is nonsensical.