Micro to Macro in Achieving Goals Successfully
Everyone wants to be successful and achieve goals. Whether that is in their career, at a sport, a hobby, whatever it may be, success is what everyone is after.
I am sure you have all heard the saying, the path to success isn't easy, and it isn't a direct path. Well, that saying is 100% correct.
Sometimes, when you get taken off this path to success, it is hard to maintain your focus to ensure that you are staying on the right path. There is a strategy that I use, and was taught growing up and early on in my professional career that has helped me keep moving forward towards what I define as "success".
Baby Steps, One At A Time (The Micro)
One of the best strategies I learned to keep me on pace was utilizing Micro goals to achieve the Macro.
Gary Vee talks about this strategy when it comes to creating marketing content, but I utilize this strategy in achieving goals and success.
Take your large (Macro) goal, and break it into 4-6 mini (Micro) goals and put a time line on it. Some marketers call these "SMART" goals.
Now Lets Break It Down
Lets say your large goal (Macro) is to grow your brands social media presence. This large macro goal can be broken down into "steps" or mini goals (Micro) to achieve the larger goals and be successful. Here is an example of a micro goal that your company might want to achieve in root to achieving your overall goal:
Micro Goal
We will post a "Tip Tuesday" video, every day, from February-April, 2020 and link all videos to our YouTube channel and distribute to our social media pages to boost engagement and overall traffic by 15%.
This is a great example of achieving a micro goal moving towards your larger overall goal.
Taking multiple micro goals and consistently making sure you and your team achieve them, again whether that is with your career, hobby or a trade, you will see great progress and success in obtaining your larger goal!
Don't give up, keep on pushing forward, and learn from failure. Take what you learn and implement it into achieving your next goal!