Migrate CI/CD from Gitlab CI/CD to Azure or AWS
Migrating from GitLab CI/CD to Azure DevOps for Experienced Users
This tutorial guides experienced GitLab CI/CD users on migrating their workflows to Azure DevOps. It compares key concepts and provides step-by-step instructions with code and YAML examples to facilitate a smooth transition.
Comparison of Key Concepts:
FeatureGitLab CI/CDAzure DevOpsVersion control systemGitLabGitPipelinesStages and jobsPipelines and stagesYAML definition.gitlab-ci.ymlazure-pipelines.ymlCI triggersPush events, merge requests, tagsBranches, pushes, pull requests, tagsCD triggersTags, environmentsReleases, environmentsArtifactsDownloadable artifactsPipeline artifactsRunnersSelf-hosted or shared runnersPipelines run on Microsoft-hosted agents or self-hosted agentsVariablesVariables defined in .gitlab-ci.ymlVariables defined in pipeline configuration or Azure Pipelines YAMLSecretsGitLab SecretsAzure Key Vault
Step-by-Step Migration Guide:
1. Install Azure Pipelines extension for GitLab:
2. Analyze your existing GitLab CI/CD pipeline:
3. Create an Azure DevOps project:
4. Import your GitLab repository:
5. Convert your GitLab CI/CD pipeline to Azure DevOps YAML:
6. Configure your CI/CD pipeline in Azure DevOps:
7. Run your pipeline:
8. Migrate your CI/CD artifacts:
9. Update your development workflow:
Benefits of Migrating to Azure DevOps:
Additional Resources:
By following this guide and utilizing the provided resources, experienced GitLab CI/CD users can smoothly transition their workflows to Azure DevOps and leverage its advanced features and powerful integrations. Remember, the specific steps may vary slightly depending on your individual CI/CD pipeline.
End-to-End Example: Migrating a GitLab CI/CD pipeline for a Web App
Step 1: Analyze GitLab CI/CD Pipeline:
- build
- test
- deploy
- npm install
- npm run build
- npm run test
- aws deploy --profile staging ...
Step 2: Import GitLab Repository to Azure DevOps:
Step 3: Convert .gitlab-ci.yml to azure-pipelines.yml:
- job: build
vmImage: ubuntu-latest
- script: npm install
- script: npm run build
- job: test
vmImage: ubuntu-latest
dependsOn: build
- script: npm run test
- job: deploy
vmImage: ubuntu-latest
dependsOn: test
- script: aws deploy --profile staging ...
Step 4: Configure CI/CD Triggers in Azure DevOps:
Step 5: Configure Variables and Secrets:
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Step 6: Configure Artifacts:
Step 7: Migrate CI/CD Artifacts:
Step 8: Update Development Workflow:
Step 9: Verify and Test:
This example demonstrates a basic migration of a GitLab CI/CD pipeline to Azure DevOps. Customize the specific steps and configurations based on your environment and needs. Remember to test your pipeline thoroughly after migration to ensure its smooth functioning.
Migrating from GitLab CI/CD to AWS CodePipeline
Step 1: Analyze GitLab CI/CD Pipeline:
- build
- test
- deploy
- npm install
- npm run build
- npm run test
- aws deploy --profile staging ...
Step 2: Create AWS Resources:
Step 3: Configure AWS CodePipeline:
Step 4: Configure Artifacts:
Step 5: Configure Triggers and IAM Role:
Step 6: Migrate CI/CD Artifacts:
Step 7: Update Development Workflow:
Step 8: Verify and Test:
Remember, this is a general guide, and the specific steps may vary depending on your environment and needs. Consider your specific setup and requirements when migrating your CI/CD pipeline to AWS CodePipeline.
GitLab to Azure Tutorials:
Official Azure DevOps Documentation:
Articles and Tutorials:
GitLab to AWS Tutorials:
Official GitLab Documentation:
Articles and Tutorials:
I hope these links provide valuable resources for your journey from GitLab to Azure and AWS.
Solution Architect at CEDES
6moHi Dhiraj, Can you expand more on "Use the Azure Pipelines extension for GitLab to automatically convert your .gitlab-ci.yml file to an azure-pipelines.yml file." I'm unable to find a way to do it and importing 2 different repositories does not add any new files or pipelines. Thanks in advance!