Mindy’s Monday Motivation – Blog Post #33 – 祝您新年快乐,身体健康. Wishing you a happy New Year and good health!
Tomorrow is Lunar New Year! I would be remiss if I didn’t say something about it. I am half Vietnamese, half Chinese, so each new year, my dad would say this phrase to me: 祝您新年快乐,身体健康/Wishing you a happy new year and good health! Of course, there are multiple other phrases, but this is the one that he always chooses to say first each year. I can actually hear his voice as I type and tomorrow, when I take my family over to see my parents, I am sure I would hear this again. All of these past years, I never paid much attention to what he said, but this past couple of years, COVID made all of us to rethink our lives and our importance of our health; I, especially. I know I said it in many past postings, but I want to reiterate it again: take care of your health.
I know many who have thought that they would be able to able to retire and do all those things that they want to do, including taking better care of their health. Unfortunately, by then, most of them would succumb to health issues, which resulted in a lot of their bucket lists going to the wayside. Often, we think we have plenty of time, but everything is cumulative. If you don’t eat healthy or excise today, five years from now, it will be even harder for you to take that step. My poor husband, for example, has plantar fasciitis as well as arthritis on his big toe. This causes him a lot of pain which prevent him from engaging in activities which he enjoys such as long walk, skiing, driving stick shift cars. He still does it, but it causes him a lot of pain.
Try not to let money extend you beyond what is prudent for your health, either. An extreme case is the story of this Vietnamese woman who ran after a swindler who tried to escape from paying $35 for a manicure and got ran over. Okay, that’s very extreme, but goodness, is your life worth $35? I think the most I would do is to copy the license plate and call the police. Of course, most compromise we make are much more benign. For example, we might rush through meals to try to make that important meeting or skip our exercise hour to finish that one report. I am just as guilty as you are. I have done all-nighter myself (though it’s harder to do as I get older). I am realizing that the effect of these activities, seemingly negligible at times, can have downstream long-term effects. So, my advice to you as well as to myself is to try to establish a healthy sleep habit, a healthy nutritional diet, and a healthy exercise routine. If you don’t know where to start, IQVIA has an employee wellness page that lists a lot of benefits you can check out. It even includes healthy financial guidance as well mental health suggestions such as Insight Timer, which is a free mediation app for sleep, anxiety, and stress. I plan to check it out. It got sleep music as well as sleep talks such as the reading of The Velveteen Rabbit, which is one of my favorite stories.
All this said, please don’t beat yourself up if your checklist for today is not all crossed off. As they say, tomorrow is another day. If you don’t accomplish what you set out to do, you can try again the next day. Be easy on yourself. In fact, I have a rolling checklist, so things that don’t get crossed off will be on the list the next day. I try not to let things go beyond three roll-overs, but sometimes other things take priority. Except for when I forget to put things on my list, I almost always get my list items done. So, I find that this system works for me. It doesn’t mean that this would work for you, so experiment with various systems to see what would work best for you.
This brings me back to the most important thing for the new year: Just do you. Whatever it may be, only you know what is important to you, what you want to achieve, what your limits are and how you can go about achieving it. So, I might say to care for your health, but I am no longer a young parent with toddlers running around and keeping you up at night. I am not a young professional who wants to make a mark in their career or an experienced professional who just made a switch into a new role. I don’t know your situation, so what I say may not be relevant to you. So, do what works for you. I just wish you much success in your career in this new year of the Metal Pig.
新年快乐,万事如意! Happy New Year and may you get everything you wish for!
Until next Monday,
Director of Commercial Operations @ GoPath Diagnostics | BA in Spanish
3yThis piece goes way beyond the Lunar New Year, but I get why you posted it now. Hope to see you out this year!