A Mistake So Many Businesses Make - Whose Behind The Business?
Over the decades I have witnessed it time and time again, it's a mistake that I am still seeing today.
A businesses website that doesn't tell me enough about who is behind the business, and why I should trust them with my money.
It is an often over looked detail that is vitally important, after all, business is all about relationships. Create a great relationship with your customers by building trust, and they will be loyal to you for a long time.
I recently saw a post of someone in my network that posted about a new business they started. The post asked me to "check out my website". I did.
The description of what the business was doing and what problem they are solving was relatively clear.
Remembering that every visitor to your website on average spends just 54 seconds on a page, you have a very short time to impress, so surely building trust is a very important thing to do.
A founders story on why they started a business can often be very inspiring. There is always a back story behind every business, so why not share yours.
Why not make a video about this and post it, it can be powerful.
I remember back to my days working in the not for profit sector, and I remember how many people got engaged in supporting my initiatives merely because they heard my story, and heard why I was so passionate about wanting to give back.
I think one of the reasons we are losing that personal connection these days is the bigger companies do not create that human connection with us. We are used to them treating us just like another number.
Lets face it, I bet your bank doesn't go out of their way to create a human connection with you.
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Telling people who is behind your business also allows you to create another level of creditability.
In addition to your specific story behind why you started the business make sure you also provide your qualifications, your experience, or even your personal connection to the industry that you are working in.
I often marvel at how people are scammed on Youtube by watching some 19 year old who claims to have unlocked the secret to make millions of dollars in 12 just months. They certainly don't post their experience on their platforms, why would they, they have none.
Giving people the opportunity to do their due diligence on your business is very important. If you are looking for funding or investment of any kind, people will be looking for information about you.
They want to know your track record, and they want to know whether or not you can be trusted with their money, make it easy for them.
So take a look at your businesses website today and ask yourself these 4 very simple but important questions.
- Are we telling the story of our company?
- Have we told our customers existing, and future, who is behind our business?
- Are we telling people what problem we are solving?
- Are we making it easy for people to connect with us as human beings?
Think about taking the time today to alter these things on your website today, and you will build a greater level of trust with your community.
#personalservice #business #startups #websites
Great point! Seeing who is behind the business and as well as the history of the business has a huge impact on its customers.