Money is Literally Everywhere (Use Your Eyes)

Money is Literally Everywhere (Use Your Eyes)

Money is literally everywhere.

Hell, the government prints trillions of it every single year.

Most people fail to make money because they have a scarcity mindset about money.

They actually think money is real (LOL). Because they care about money too much, they never really make all that much of it.

It’s extremely ironic. Often, when I write posts like these, the peanut gallery starts chirping:

Money isn’t everything, you know. There’s more to life than working to make money

Yet if you look at their lives and mine, it’s clear to see who cares, focuses it on, and strains themselves over money and who doesn’t.

On average, I work about 4-6 hours per day. And…I’m not really working. I love writing. It’s fun.

Also, while some of the tasks required to build my business take time, effort, and even cause stress, I’m generally not that stressed.

I’m not rich, but I have a decent floor of income that comes from writing along with some passive income streams that bring money to my account without any additional effort.

If I want to buy a nice meal, I just buy it. Same thing with most things that I want within reason.

If my daughter gets sick, I can easily drop everything I’m doing and keep her for the day without asking anyone for permission.

I want to make more money and I still watch my finances of course, but it’s not like money consumes every single thought I have.

Some days I’m not in the mood to work all that hard so I just piss off and go to the gym, hit the gun range, go play golf, hang out with friends, whatever.

When I was broke, all I thought about was money.

Most people who claim to not care about money spend the vast majority of their waking hours trying to acquire it. They’re worried about it.

Money doesn’t solve your problems or make you happy, but the lack of it is a major stressor. Marriages crumble over it. People die earlier than they need to because of it due to stress and overwork.

That’s the saddest part of it all, too. Most people are good hard-working people. But hard work in and of itself doesn’t equate to money.

A lot of people work much harder than me, but because they work on something that doesn’t make much money, their hard work actually earns less.

I don’t make the rules.

I’ve talked about this before, large amounts of money come from:

  • Scale: reaching lots of people at the same time
  • Perceived value: Maybe it’s not fair, but people value watching LeBron James spin in the air and dunk more than they value public school teachers
  • Leverage: Making your time and money work for you beyond the initial effort you put in

Most jobs usually have none of these qualities, which is why you work so hard at them only to make little to no money.

Most people work hard, but they work on the wrong things. The right things to work on are the things that make money without tons of effort.

Many of these fields, like making money online, take lots of upfront effort, but once you get the money machine going, that effort compounds and it’s easier to make money because you have money.

Remove the word fair from your vocabulary. This is just the way the world works. You know it, I know it, we all know it.

Back to the main point.

Once you start to realize that money is everywhere, you’ll focus on getting on the right side of these transactions instead of always being the consumer or the employee instead of the creator.

Try the Money is Everywhere Exercise to Develop a Money Making Mindset

Here, I’ll do this right now, in real-time.

Just take a look around you and see how many money-making vehicles are right in front of your eyes:

  • I’m sitting in a Caribou coffee right now. Someone started this multibillion-dollar brand and it’s not even the top chain. The coffee isn’t even good, to be honest.
  • I have AirPods on. I’m wearing an Apple watch. Listening to music on an iPhone, typing on a Macbook Pro. Most people spend thousands of dollars on big brands but won’t invest the same amount of money in themselves. Tragic.
  • There’s a plastic straw in my drink. Instead of starting a sexy business, someone decided to make a plastic straw manufacturing company. There are so many boring ass businesses like this that make a killing. No passion? Open a laundromat or buy parking spots and rent them out.
  • I’m looking at a set of keys from my KIA. The local dealer in town owns a half dozen dealerships. There are many local business owners like this. Quiet millionaires.
  • I have a computer case for my computer, not from apple, but from some faceless brand created by some faceless person who I’ve never met but is probably rich
  • I have a Twitter tab open. I love Twitter because there are so many examples of regular people who make money online in various ways. None of them are special. They just realize there’s massive opportunity online.

My friend Tim Denning said it well on this post from a Twitter thread he made:

Change the label. F*ck "business owner" and "entrepreneur" labels. They scare people out of their dreams. These labels suggest you need: • Experience • Education • IQ You don't.
When people ask what I do I just say "make money online." It's not fancy, Any monkey can do it. The barrier to entry is now gone.

Exactly right. You’re not trying to be the next Elon Musk or Steve Jobs. You don’t need to get venture funding or take out a massive loan to start a company.

You’re just trying to make a little coin online, ease your stress, get some flexibility, and enjoy your life instead of slaving away for money.

You have to get right of your scarcity mindset. The more you scrape, struggle, and cling to money, the more it will elude you.

The more you need to make it upfront and right away as you do at a dollar-per-hour job, the less likely you are to make it for the long-term.

Making money online is as simple as finding a model that works and working on it until it works. Stop clutching your dollars and buy an online program that teaches you.

That’s what I did. I spent $750 on a writing course when that amount of money was half my net worth.

I took the risk because I didn’t want $750 to be a lot of money for me for the rest of my life. Shit, I was already broke. Why not risk the biscuit, ya know?

Money is everywhere if you know where to look for it. 

Sebastian Scott

Claims Consultant at Capita


Unusually simple but direct and honest.


I did spend 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Dollars

Alexandra Viskum

Digital Product Designer • UI/ UX • Digital user experiences • I help startups level up their digital interfaces • Web + mobile • @alex_uix • Growth mindset


Love this post! 👏🏼

Mark Newsome

I help Retail Business Owners Increase Revenue Without Adding New Customers!


Great stuff as usual Ayodeji.

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