Month 9 gamifying AI for all
week's a long time in AI
alas poor turing how in good's name did bletchley become top secret space for his most open of innovations - good data every hi-trust human creates- anyways lets see what new york can do in the week of worlds i see
Friends at have only been gamifying AIverygood for 9 months,
though we are in year 73 of helping diarise von neumann and peers' brainworkers goods (eg einstein personalised learning - see our book 2025 reporters club 40 years ago reviewed by economist sci editor viscount ridley)
its only 9 month since freinds staretd piloting gamifying ai for all: anyone can start playing : move 1 make list of who's intelligence has advanced humanity since 1950 as far as you and communities you care about can see- and accelerating good now eg how do we help younger half of world (and their teachers where willing to innovate) return 23-24 to sdg forward intel UNsummitfuture
-or for more tech foundation's see eg my dad's biography of von neumann , or new yorkers flatiron monday exchanging good news from neumann bio 2. But urgently as well as importantly you dont need to be a maths wiz to apply good exponential consequences of maths SO please join in ai games if you like sound of what follows
Compare the simple benefits every human could be enjoying from good ai (top pic right)- from recent Yann Lecun youtube with the world economic forum admin approaches (left) which seems to imply you need to master 30 academic silos
Bard says here are a few fireside chats with Yann LeCun and Fei-Fei Li on YouTube:
yes so that AIgames are humanity's games from any gps on earth- we start with simple question who's intelligence do you see as helping advance human lot since 1951? -over 100 to choose from at (updated annually student unions since subprime year 2007- and with fazle abed mooc diarists since 2010 and norman's fora -see footnote - as well as who's exponentially accelerating now. In our vision all intelligence is still human made so simplest way is to attend to how to join in those designing aiverygood
one you've prepped your list and chatted about it with peers, games 1 apply gameboarfs- in 9 months of piloting our simplest is the humble tic tac toe board the way bingo players can see 8 winning lines and 9th bonus play of centre and 4 corners
This allows us to track 9 journeys to ai good, or in our case we prefer 3 by 3 clusters; since 2001 what used to be calls silicon valley is now AI WHY valley with womens and youth ai as well as humansAI. Womens AI was planted among students when steve jobs hosted 2001 silicon valley 65 birthday party with fazle abed who had empowered up to0 a billion asian vil;age women to share sdg solutions. At that time his women-folk were only 4 years into applying electricity (solar) or coms ( mobile) having been left pout of the industrial age of electricity grids. How could their sgd knowhow inform the valley and vice versa how could valley intelligence helps womens intel. The decade around stanford developed exponentially with 4g wifi giving data clouds from every gps but only after steve jobs had started developing smart mobile devices. Jerry Yang had started investing money from yahoo into 75 million dollar stanford building for multidisciplinary and multilingual youth ai to blossom from 2007 and then fei-fei li landed stanfird 2009 with computer vision ai this week summed up in 15 years of worlds I see. As an under 30 neuroscientist, she and demis hassabis were the first two to dare say neuroscience can help ai. Humans ai took 7 years of data connecting with imagenet teams of professors hinton yann lecun and bengio turning out to be leading wizards. so that's some of teh connects you can make with ai why with particularly exciting year 23-24 aka unsummitfuture if you follow the women's track from fei-fei li to melinda gates to priscilla chan and jennifer doudno, brooklyns ms tsai, basketball superstar aja wilson, condoleezza rice- what's great is brooklyn can become a lab for good ai by young black teenn s as well as new york's alumni of yan lecunn; hopefully across the east river the un will be watching- in the 73 yeras i have been looking through von neumann diaries I far rather connect good ai and outpace bad humans - knowing that in king's english artificial plainly ,means man made
if we go back to the 1950s einstein expected total transformation attention in personalised learning; neumann wanted win-win economics and languages to be mediated; he saw languages as embedding cultural faiths and this needing 1001 mother tongue mediation; meanwhile turing wanted those who made the biggest investment decisions to be paired up with the deepest best for humans and mother nature's dada science- and so assuming we want millennials to be the first generation to achieve the sdgs - i would change sdg17 to humansai partnerships and get on with whose intelligence can we see as needing to be scaled wherever communities need urgent help with specific goals- so will new yorkers start playing ai games as if there is no tomorrow unless they help now- there are interesting innovations for anyone in media - so far we have overlooked sound track in addition to vision tracks- join us in flatiron to sort that out RepliesLatest Activity
LINK ai celebrating greatest (ie most good for 8 bn beings) human intelligences (1950-2030) sRepliesLatest Activity AIgamesbookpages1-2.docx
13on Thursday Reply by chris macrae
LINK Hassabis connection of sdg world Science AI for good
LINK top 30 intelligence for good; ideas from last 100 years
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LINK preventing extinction track the way 193nations promised 2015 7654321
AI: In gamifying verygoodai, players spanning 73 years of the Economist-Neumann Diaries see humanity1.0 ending with whether UN accomplishes…
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Started by you 1Oct 22 Reply by chris macrae
LINK Fei-Fei seeing worlds of humanitys greatest intelligence ecosystem linker since neumann-einstein-turing exercise -fei-fei li is 28 years younger than hinton and 10 years older than mountain views ai-sdgs female superstar Priscilla Chan- LI's 9 year championship imagenet (stanfird 2009-2017) led to 21 months in moutain view as google cloud director before ffl decided her role was to teach the most ai students one teacher -let alone academic - has ever scaled ... from one mac chat to another it helps that she's best female mathematician ever too
AIgamesbookpages1-2.docx Notation - years like 1984 (jobs, gates, imagining leaps web 1-2-3) denote an intelligence crossroads that needs…
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13on Thursday Reply by chris macrae
top 30 intelligence for good; ideas from last 100 years
under construction - from +1 240 316 8157 east coast mob line jargon note from bard more at Econo…
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AI: In gamifying verygoodai, players spanning 73 years of the Economist-Neumann Diaries see humanity1.0 ending with whether UN accomplishes…
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DaoRoyals Smart contract version 0 11/11/22 please note while versions will change recursively it is not intended to substantially change…
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1Oct 22 Reply by chris macrae
Fei-Fei seeing worlds of humanitys greatest intelligence ecosystem linker since neumann-einstein-turing
exercise -fei-fei li is 28 years younger than hinton- her 9 year championship imagenet 9stanfird 2009-2017) nombriefly inate hinton as year…
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