To be more productive 6 steps will improve procrastination.
“My advice is to never do tomorrow what you can do today. Procrastination is the thief of time.” – Charles Dickens
I know plenty of successful people that procrastinate.
People that cram for exams and still pull straight As. People that scramble to prepare a major presentation the night before its delivered.
However, is this the most efficient way to ensure long term success?
535 years ago, the Friars of Confraternity of the Immaculate Conception asked Leonardo da Vinci to create a picture of the Virgin Mary for the alter in their Chapel.
The artist agreed to have it finished in 7 months and finished 25 years later.
According to Dr. Chris Health procrastinators believe they won’t do great work, that’s why they “put it off”.
He believes shame and guilt drive this mindset and creates a defensive environment where the individual becomes paralyzed. Our mind performs the ultimate illusion driven by deception. It convinces us the responsibility will “go away”.
So how do we stop procrastinating? These 6 things can help:
“The only difference between success and failure is the ability to take action.” – Alexander Graham Bell
Breathe: I’ve discovered that regardless of what I am doing, there’s nothing better than "breathing". The simple practice of slowing down eliminates the noise and prepares your mind for complete concentration. Music. Walks. Writing are all wonderful ways to prepare yourself for tackling big projects.
Attitude: Maintaining the right attitude will automatically reduce your propensity to procrastinate. When you’re preoccupied with the idea that something is “unpleasant”, you’ve created unnecessary obstacles. Adopting a “can-do” mindset extricates self-induced barriers.
Motivation: Believing you should always be motivated is unrealistic. Sometimes we aren’t. That’s why mindset is so important. Real motivation often begins once we get started and see some measurable progress.
“One of the most tragic things I know about human nature is that all of us tend to put off living. We are all dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horizon – instead of enjoying the roses blooming outside our windows today.” – Dale Carnegie
Small steps: The main reason people procrastinate is because the task seems overwhelming. When preparing a presentation break it down into manageable steps. Write a section each day for two weeks before the presentation is due. Start early but start small. This provides a sense of daily accomplishment that culminates in a sense of satisfaction.
Eliminate interruptions: Distractions are the leading cause of putting things off. Cell phones. Televisions. E mail. When you need to get something done, find a place where all distractions can be eliminated. I know world renowned authors that isolate themselves in remote hotels with no electronic devices when they write a book. Sometimes you need to embrace extreme measures when getting things done.
Rewards: If necessary, give yourself a reward. Once you get something done, offer yourself a reward. I suggest something healthy! Something you can look forward to once the assignment is completed. A message or a long walk is ideal.
“Anything worth putting off is worth abandoning altogether.” – Epictetus
Sum it up
Procrastination doesn’t define success or failure but putting things off isn’t the most efficient way to manage obligations.
How do you overcome the tendency to procrastinate? Please like and share this article and include your thoughts in the comments section below. I love learning from you as well.
About Steve:
Steve Wohlenhaus is CEO of Weatherology, the leading company in the world at disseminating audio weather information. Steve began his career as a major market television weather anchor in Minneapolis, where he received several Emmy Awards for science programming. Steve is an author and host of the post program Anatomy of Success. Please reach out and connect with Steve on LinkedIn!
Test Analyst
4yAwesome article. "Our mind performs the ultimate illusion driven by deception." - I could so relate to it. However I couldn't gather how fear and guilt could push someone to procrastinate.
Medical Administration Receptionist
4yThese gorgeous fat old hippos sure look relaxed. Maybe still digesting Christmas lunch 😃
be love, be kind ❤️🙏💙
4yGreat tips
I fix pain❣️Founder@Fascia WoRx 🧩 Passionate about eliminating pain & solving range of motion issues with Fascia Release
4yFantastic article Steve! This particular piece of info grabbed me: “procrastinators believe they won’t do great work, that’s why they “put it off”...” So true- what incredible insight! Thank you for sharing your wisdom! 🙏🏼