More Systemic Misandry in Canada? Federal Canadian Government Again Leaves Behind the Most Vulnerable to Indulge the Relatively More Privileged

More Systemic Misandry in Canada? Federal Canadian Government Again Leaves Behind the Most Vulnerable to Indulge the Relatively More Privileged

The weekend's CBC et al news headlines screamed that COVID-19 has "disproportionately impacted women" more than men and that a national child-care program, undoubtedly to cost billions, is the remedy to get Canadian women back to work. Such a subsidized and numerically progressive care program is reportedly to feature in the country's first budget in two years.

In one interview, the female economist / econometrician on television stated that a shade over 2% of Canadian women employees had been affected by COVID-19, whereas a shade over 1% of men had been similarly affected by COVID-19 - "affected" meaning job losses brought about by COVID's caused economic contraction. The female economist seemed deeply uncomfortable to concede in public such a marginal and apparently negligible statistical difference between the genders.

Although in absolute terms the percentage is double, comparatively and relatively speaking the allegedly adverse impact on Canadian women is extremely questionable for the following reasons.

From 1990 to 2019, the unemployment trend for men in Canada has typically been higher than for women. See these OECD statistics:

Here is some equivalent and confirmatory data from the International Labour Organization:

In 2018, the ILO statistics tell us that 57.24% of Canadian women were employed in the national workforce; and that in 2018 55.42% of Canadian men were employed in the national workforce.

Furthermore, there were more women than men in the Canadian population in 2018: . There is no reason to believe that that demography has changed significantly since 2018.

Meaning that Canadian women, over that same period of time, have in fact enjoyed a higher workforce participation rate than men.

Therefore, if the number of women in the Canadian workplace exceeds the number of men, then it is entirely logical and neither intentionally nor maliciously "disproportionate" if an economic downturn sees more women adversely impacted than men. So, if 100% of the Canadian workforce were women and an economic recession occurred, the news headlines would correctly state that more women than men had lost their jobs. No decent person wants to see another made unemployed.

Additionally, why has the federal Liberal government and its supporting media outlets across Canada focused only on the claim that working mothers need help? What about that minority of working men allowed by Canadian courts to have sole / full-time decision-making responsibility (formerly custody) over their children?

For a federal government to use such chicanery to allocate billions of our tax dollars [ed.: projected C$30 Billion] to further prefer female Canadians in the workplace is nothing less than theft of our taxes based on misandry / overt discrimination and divisive gender politics. The levels of the federal government's social irresponsibility plunge even lower than we could have imagined.

Canada needs a future population (if you believe that Canada as a country will not de-confederate under the strains of left-wing policies that marginalize oil-producing provinces, or under the strains of a fundamentally undemocratic Charter and Canadian constitution that in practice favour historically unjustified francophone minorities), but "working poor" Canadians also need immediate extended healthcare insurance assistance as many have none at all.

Having a child is both a personal choice and a personal responsibility; it is not a public responsibility. If it were a public responsibility then absent parents (typically fathers, in accordance with the preference in Canadian courts) would not be required to pay child support to the other parent. Potentially and arguably, subsidized child care could encourage the rise of single parenthood and all of the social dysfunctionality in Canada that we already see comes with that.

Unlike the federal government payment of extended healthcare insurance for illegal immigrants, or that government's provision of extended healthcare insurance for well-paid and pensioned federal government employees, many working poor Canadians have no extended healthcare insurance to cover their treatment and prescription costs; and they have to both work and care for children while they are ill.

While homelessness across Canada, a lack of clean drinking water on First Nation Reserves, and a Canadian military that is dangerously under-equipped exist (when China grows more belligerent each day), subsidized child care is, by comparison, a relative luxury - especially for women in well-paid positions. Whereas extended healthcare insurance to cover chronic treatments and prescriptions for all Canadian adults and their children is widely accepted to be a much more basic and more pressing need than subsidized child care costs. Arguably, Americans are better covered (insured) in this respect than many Canadians at this time.

Once again, we see the Ivory Tower left-wing policies and myopic pro-Chinese ideology of a largely incompetent federal Canadian government in play.

David G.

Experienced Lawyer, Mediator, and Notary Public. T: 1-844-230-2723;


Improperly recruited Queensland, Australia, female police officers:

David G.

Experienced Lawyer, Mediator, and Notary Public. T: 1-844-230-2723;


Veteran English media commentator and radio journalist Ms. Julia Hartley-Brewer clearly has little patience for Mr. Trudeau's pronouncements, regardless of whether or not he is the current Prime Minister of Canada.

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