No More Work for Me. I Figured it Out.
Join me for a work free life, at the pool, on the road, at the beach, where ever. Do what you love and never have to work a day in your life.
As I write this, I am in Las Vegas watching my daughter swim in the pool with her cousins. This vacation was not planned. My cousin called me on Saturday night and said he was taking his daughter to Las Vegas for her birthday. So I said, let me ask Pumpkin If she wants to go. I said to Pumpkin my daughter, “do you want to go to Las Vegas and play in the pool with your cousins? How many 10 year olds will pass up that opportunity? “Yes daddy, yes daddy was the answer. School does not start for another two weeks.So I said, go pack your back pack. We are leaving in the morning.
No need to ask anyone, did not have to think about it. No boss to consult with. We just upped and left.On Sunday morning we drove to Vegas. Pumpkin got in the pool with her cousins, I lazied around with a bottle of cold Heineken. Whoa, life is good!
Next day, Monday morning, I had a phone conference with a client. Spoke to some of my student apprentice, and had a Skype conference with two of my employees, one in India and the other in the Philippines.I answered an email on a property I have in escrow. Then I attended a webinar on the Internet.
By Noon, I was back at the pool side with Pumpkin and her gang. I downed a couple of Heinekens while I was on a stationary bike that overlooks the pool.I know there are life guards, but I still have to keep an eye on my Pumpkin. That’s my life. Pumpkin, some work, a lot of fun, and then Pumpkin’s dance class or any other thing Pumpkin wants to do.While I was watching Pumpkin and the gang swim, then it occurred to me.
I could do this all day, all week, and all year. I can work when I want and how I want.I finally figured it out.
Work is really overrated. If you love what you do, and can do it from anywhere, then it’s no longer work.
A while back, I met a lady at the airport on my way to Washington DC.During our conversation, she asked me where I was heading. I told her, I was in my way to DC. Then she asked, “business or pleasure?” without hesitation, I answered, “business is my pleasure.”When you do what you love, then it’s no longer work.
Do you want to make your business your pleasure? Let’s discuss it. Ask me how and I will show you. Just leave me your comments and questions below and we can discuss it. I finally figured it out. No more work for me. How about you?