Move It
You shouldn’t really worry about getting older. We are given a fantastic gift of the realization of what's truly good or bad for us. Sifting through the cluttered overload information culture we live in can be daunting. However, I think what most impacts our personal and business health is movement. Without movement, there is no forward momentum, just stagnation, declining success and ultimately failure. In martial arts, standing flat-footed and not moving will likely result in you no longer standing, blinking your eyes wondering how you landed on your back looking up at the acoustical ceiling grid.
Ido Portal is a movement master. He combines breakdancing, Parkour, Capoeira, gymnastics and monkey-like movements. Seems to me that he has created an entirely new category of exercise leading to much improved health. It’s not Pilates, martial arts or yoga, but rather the concept of continuous unique movement. Some of his exercises are extreme, but many are not and are doable. Be creative and come up with your own movement techniques that best works for you and your ability. [CONTINUE READING HERE]