Gold, silver and white. Three crowns on three queens. Confident, beautiful and wise. I know these are still movie queens, and perhaps we should look further than these three women for inspiration. But scrolling through my media, the colours in this photo stopped me in my tracks, so that was the main reason I wanted to share it, however, it got me thinking...
It may be considered a little shallow to revere actors the way we do, but perhaps that opinion infers judgemental people simply underestimate the power of a story. Since we first took shelter, we shared stories; over 30,000 years ago the cave paintings at Lascaux in France show visual depictions in sequence describing hunting and the environment. Without technology to occupy our evenings and religion to shape our view of the world, we would look to an elder. This would often be a wiseWOman, a storyteller, to occupy us, teach and inspire us, comfort us and guide us.
In many magical ways, these talented artists continue that idea by bringing women's lives to the big screen, and telling our collective story. We see ourselves in the characters, empathise with their lot, ask ourselves how we might behave in similar situations, and invest in their outcomes. We feel their fragility and strength, their failures and triumphs. We witness heart break, falling in love, deep enduring connection, and all permutations in-between. We draw inspiration from the screen lighting up with authors, mothers, prostitutes, doctors, scientists, politicians, femmes fatales, artists, queens, crime fighters and wild rebel women.
So, here's the question;
Have you had to wrestle back control of your own movie?
More than once? It’s okay. It happens a lot. You suddenly remember you are being “directed.”
And that simply won’t do. You just need to remember it’s your name in lights, so you be the diva.
Please tell me it’s you.
We have a very serious problem if it’s not, but I can help you develop your own powerful emotional resilience so you can thrive in tough times, please book a call with me
I coach you to recalibrate your emotions so that you can have better business and personal relationships.
I use psycho education, meditation, visualisation both in and out of trance and, where legal, plant medicine, but most of all, I use my wisdom, and that which I cannot explain.
With much gratitude to actresses Andie MacDowell, Jodie Foster and Dame Helen Mirren in Cannes, 2021
Your creative link - actress, artist, nude model, writer and composer. Add some pizzazz to your business!
8moWhat do you mean "without a religion?" Darling, this is my religion - even down to the maiden-mother-crone aspects (whose colours, in our world, are white, red and black respectively - think Snow White, until Netflix gets its grubby little clueless paws on it). As for my screenplay, as I am both writer, actress, director and self-made visionary, I can see nobody more suited to write my story than I, although I must acquiesce to the form that my ancestors have set down for me - and as I will, so mote it be (if y'know, y'know, but when the student is ready, the teacher will appear).