My book is published and out!
Hip hip hooray! My book is born! This is the first book from the poetic dramatic trilogy versed in the best traditions of W.Shakespeare and A.Pushkin. I am very happy and very proud of this true achievement. It took a little over one month of every day 12 hour-shift of work to write the book. It took more than a year to bring it to publishing! I wanted to create a stunningly beautiful visually engaging book on top of the story which is gonna grub you and keep you submerged in it till the end. I wanted to create a true experience of another reality. I never believed in pragmatic approach to books, so I did what I thought to be the right thing to do. I believe that a story needs to start from the moment you take a book in your hands and the cover does matter. Everything concerning the design of the book needs to have a meaning, even symbolism, signs that speak to the subconscious mind, That prepares the mind for a journey before you even open the first page of a book.
The book is written in my native language and is awaiting to be translated into English, by me, of course. However, I have an offer from a couple of other people who speak other languages and my native to translate the book into their own native languages. With that said, I started the search for those who know Russian so well that can appreciate the Russian great poetry in depth just like I can appreciate Shakespeare AND know their native language to even higher degree: so well that they could carry an art form with it.
Please, feel free to visit my official literature page on Facebook for updates and new poetry. I continue writing small short poems and publish them on my pages, but I am also working on the other two novels of the trilogy, just like James Cameron on his new Avatars. Stories like that do have to be written nearly simultaneously for many reasons. It is not easy to keep everything in order with so much going on.
For those of you who does not have Facebook account, you can enjoy the video presentation of the book here by checking out my profile and accomplishments. You will see it there along with some pictures from my team who helped me achieve my artistic design vision.
For those of you who collect books, this one is a highly expensive book, which for being the very first edition ever, is going to cost much more in the years to come. Why so expensive? It cost a very high price to produce it since the order was relatively small. I had a team of artists who worked off of my concepts, layouts and drafts, so it took us over 6 months to create just illustrations. Even now I have not yet achieved the full concept since the price would be totally out of my reach. I decided to publish out of my pocket, but in a very old reputable publishing house because I wanted what I wanted and could not stand any other directions. I wanted to present my vision accurately even if not fully achieved visually.
Now I can present the book and pitch it to any other publishing house for a larger order. The publishing house which released the book though ready to take this further onto the new level, too, but I am thinking about something more like in the larger houses. Please, feel free to share info if you have it. I will be looking for a publishing deal on the English market as soon as I finish the translation in English. And just to spice things up for you, this is a true versed drama play and it inspired another Russian music composer to compose a musical based on it. Therefore I am awaiting for the production to finish in summer, since the rehearsals have already begun.
That's it for the day, my friends! I am not paranoid with the virus, I am creating and looking on the brighter side of this current world condition. After all now I have plenty of time on hands without interruption, so hopefully all of you will be around when this madness ends!
Be safe, be informed, be vigilant, but not paranoid! By buying extra too much way above what you need you leave no chance for many other living beings to have some at all. No need to act like an egotistic pig thinking only about yourselves. Think of all of us together. There was plenty of everything for everyone before this madness started. People added to the madness big time! People fueled the panic and madness without any reasoning and consideration. I understand everything, but find it very disturbing to accept. After all humanity starts somewhere somehow, and if we call ourselves humans, we must like like such.