My Business Saved Me
My business saved me
From a life of never being me...
Of never discovering what my calling is...
Of never creating real wealth - more time, fun, impact and freedom.
I don't often share my story this way but the truth is...
Taking that risk, stepping out on a limb and making myself VERY uncomfortable
Saved me.
It saved me from the obvious stuff - the fears, doubts and the nagging voice inside of my head which told me I wasn't good enough.
But what I'm really talking about..?
My business saved me from a life of never being me.
From always wearing a mask. Living someone else’s life. Constantly compromising what matters to me.
It saved me from fading away into the background, forever being a pale imitation of someone else
Accepting mediocrity and "good enough" (yes this included the well paid job, nice house and cars).
Doing what I thought I should. What others expected of me.
If you’d seen me back then, or known me, you’d have thought I loved the game of limbing the corporate ladder, getting the attention, relishing the status.
But now...this, above, makes me laugh. Yes there’s an element of truth to all of them. Because I was driven by my ego.
As I learned how to switch off my ego, I started to ask myself more questions. The hard kind that make you uncomfortable.
The more I did this the more I could hear my instinct.
And my instinct was screaming at me to challenge conventional wisdom and the status quo. The more I did this...
The happier I became.
I also started to feel FREE. Like I was no longer walking uphill, carrying a grand piano.
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I started to see I’d always been fighting against myself. And when I stopped doing that…BOOM.
When I look at where I’m at now...
I see ME. The strong-willed (some would say pig headed), passionate man living the life he wants. One he wouldn’t trade for anything. Not even $25M.
And I was only able to achieve this by discovering my calling.
It allowed me to connect to who I really am, instead of hiding from it. It gave ME the confidence to start to truly grow and live MY way. To follow my path. The one I want to travel on.
It allowed me to STOP being the man that was too busy trying to fit in. The man who didn’t know who he was. The man that was focused on what everyone else was doing.
It allowed me to STOP going down the easy path, the well-worn conventional wisdom path
And start to see how I could be me AND live the life I wanted.
The truth is in my heart, my instinct, I knew the easy path wasn't for me. I knew the entrepreneurial path was the key to creating my own real wealth.
I’d always known. But I was stuck on the how and what. Which is where my calling came in.
Turning my calling into a business was the vehicle. The enabler. It allowed me to step out into the light at my own speed. It allowed me to let go of my ego.
It allowed me to share me with the world. To do what I want, when I want, where I want, how I want and with whom I want.
And that's what it's really about, isn't it?
Being you. All of you. Without holding back.
So my question to you is...are you ready to do it your way
To create YOUR real wealth?
Start today. Start now.
Discover your calling and open up the world YOU want...
Attorney At Law at CIVIL COURT CASES
Realtor Associate @ Next Trend Realty LLC | HAR REALTOR, IRS Tax Preparer
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