My top 10 books of 2021

My top 10 books of 2021

If you look for inspiration about leading oneself, leading others and leading your business - here is my top10 for you in 2022. Some of the books I have read or listened to or both. You will find most of it on audible.

 #1 - 7 Habits of highly effective people - Stephen Covey - I read - at least some chapters - severals times a year. It's more a guide to lead a successful life than a book to just read and forget. How can you create private and public victories. If you struggle in some situations with yourself or others - this is a great guide to overcome this.

#2 - Deep Work - Cal Newport - We are losing our ability to focus and therefore create meaningful things. If you are a knowledge worker this is a great book to give you tactics how to create a shelter for your deep work and get more done in a few hours than others in a week.

#3 - Atomic Habits - James Clear - if you dive into analysing and changing your good and bad habits, this can transform you quicker than any other book on this list. I will need to read this again and again. Imagine you make 1% incremental improvements over a period of one year… This is just the methodology, you can apply this to anything, even how to watch more netflix if this is your passion!

#4 - Clifton Strengthfinder from Gallup. The book is not important - it is the test you can buy to find your top 10 strengths. Instead of fixing your weaknesses, be aware of your strenghts and cultivate them!

#5 - (German only) Aussergewöhnlich entspannt - ein praktisches Buch über die Philosophie der Stoiker

#6 - Tool of Titans - Tim Ferriss - It's not a book. It is a summary of many people's essentials that were intereviewed by Tim. What I love most is his initial statement that you will find party annoying, irrelevant, disturbing or useless and a smal proportion really helpful. Everyone is finding something else in this, so it is pretty worthless to tell you what I found great. I strongly recommend to listen to this e.g. via Audible. Try it and don't hesitate to skip chapters. A great summary (in German) if you want to check out other people's opinions about the book:

#7 - Search Inside Yourself - Chade-Meng Tan - This is a great read for several reasons. If you are new to meditation this can be an easy door to enter this space without following a teacher from a zen or religious practice. (I have more tipps if you interested, depending on what you are looking for) Furthermore it gives you more insights into mindfulness communication, self reflection, journaling giving you advice how to improve your emotional intelligence and become more selfaware.

#8 - The Hard Things about hard things - Ben Horowitz - Great book about leadership. Not that I agree with all content, but it gives you a ton to stuff to think about, no matter if you are CEO or just managing your own function reporting to a CEO. "How do you hire somebody, if you have never done the job?"- you don't have to become a CEO to run into that challenge! I love the questions you can use if you hire someone - it is in the appendix.

#9 - Digital Minimalism - Cal Newport - from 2019 good additional read after you have read #2 deep work

#10- If I haven't convinced you yet to read about atomic habits or deep work, there is a great debate with both authors you can listen to: James Clear and Cal Newport by James Clear


Let me know about your favorite books or podcasts! 

Olivier van Berkel

MSc Strategic Management Student | Erasmus Universiteit | RSM Rotterdam School of Management | Freelance Finance Professional


Rich Dad Poor Dad was a life changing read for me. In my opinion the best introduction to personal finance!

Jonas von Glahn

Enterprise Security Architect @Adesso SE| Berufsbegleitendes Studium IT-Management @Euro-Fh


Atomic Habits (auch im englischen Original) steht bei mir als nächstes auf der Reading List. Ich glaub auf fast jeder Liste von Empfehlungen steht dieses Buch ganz oben, ich hoffe, es wird meinen Erwartungen gerecht

Katarzyna (Kasia) M.

🔎 Customer Insights Manager @AirPlus | Market Research Expert | Trend & Insights Researcher | Project Manager | Marketing Enthusiast


Danke Nicolai! #2 ist auf meiner Todo-Liste. Dieses ist auch als Hörbuch verfügbar :) LG

Frank Mickeler

Digital Marketing Consultant | SEO | Analytics | Performance Marketing


Die 7 habits habe ich dieses Jahr auch gelesen. Ich habe zwischendurch das Gefühl gehabt, dass das Buch etwas in die Jahre gekommen ist (stammt ja aus 1992, wenn ich mich recht erinnere); ich fand es auch in Teilen etwas akademisch oder abgehoben, z.B. wenn er beschreibt wie sie ein "Mission statement" für seine Familie erarbeitet haben und danach leben. Ich habe mich innerlich köstlich amüsiert bei der Vorstellung, diese Übung mit meinen eigenen Teenie Kids durchführen zu wollen 🤣 Am Ende war ich trotzdem beeindruckt von der Klarheit und Tiefe der Prinzipien, die vorgestellt werden. Die sind definitiv zeitlos. Gutes Buch mit wirklich guten Ideen.

Michael Facey

Global Marketing Director Michael Page and Page Personnel @ PageGroup


The Ride of a Lifetime by Bob Iger is one of the best CEO (auto)biographies I’ve read. We’ll worth a look!

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