My Top Leadership Videos on YouTube
Last week I began this weekly newsletter by sharing my top Public Speaking videos. This week, I'll be sharing my top leadership videos.
This is an article with a collection of my most popular youtube videos on the general theme of Leadership. I have been sharing videos on youtube since 2008, but really began to take it seriously in 2015 when it began to generate over half of all my speaking and training engagements.
In order of popularity, here we go:
How to Improve your Clarity of Thought
The most important thing in leadership: know where you are going. If you don't know where you are going, you cannot lead. This video on how to improve the clarity of your thought is fundamentally about the importance of writing things down, and structuring your thinking on a page.
The 5 Leadership Styles
How to lead people - different people and different tasks need different styles of leadership. This video shares a concept that I learnt from a course during my time at Accenture that was called The Leader's Window.
4 Ways to Stop Self-Sabotaging your Success
I think it was Charlie Munger who said that the first part of Warren Buffett and his success is that they avoid losing money. In leadership the way you avoid "losing money" is to be very aware of self-sabotage and develop strategies for handling the inevitable self-sabotage in your life.
4 Major Benefits to Keeping a Journal
There is a saying "leaders are readers". I think leaders are readers and writers. Writing allows you to structure ideas, get clear on how they work together and integrate them with your way of being in the world. Without writing, reading is just passive. Writing pushes you to engage and reflect. It also allows you to make a fool of yourself on a page of your notebook, not in a speech in front of the people who decide your future.
Become Inspiring: How to get the Best out of those around you
Probably the most important video on leadership on my channel. Firstly, because it is a speech I gave in Boston in front of almost 1,000 headmasters of schools around the world. Secondly, because it is about how you as a person can make others better because of your presence. There are 4 characteristics of those who really get the best out of the good people around them...
Life Is Difficult: How to Handle Problems
A great leader loves problems. Problems lead us to grow as people. Comfort allows us to shrink and become less. A great leader learns to love problems. A great leader learns to let their team face problems that push them to raise their capacity to handle life.
How to Manage your Time Effectively
I have another video on the Pomodoro technique that for me was a game changer on being effective in my use of time. This video is really about getting clear about what is truly important for you. It is dangerous to become effective in completing unimportant work. You will just get more of it to do.
Success Lessons from Kung Fu Panda: Inner Peace and Acceptance
The movie I have seen most in my life... it is a tie between Star Wars and Kung Fu Panda II. This is a summary of the life lessons that I take from Po, the Kung Fu Panda, and friends.
How to Find your Purpose: A Visualisation Exercise
A video that walks through a powerful exercise for getting clarity on what fulfilment means for you in 6 vitally important areas of life.
The Psychology of High Performance
What I learnt from interviewing Kilian Jornet, Josef Ajram, Miquel Suñer, Pep Mari and many other extreme high performance athletes. There are 4 aspects of the mental approach of these high performance athletes that I have observed:
- Acceptance – the past is gone, it serves no purpose dwelling on problems, only on dedicating resources to solve the problem and move on.
- Presence in the moment – Miquel, Josef and Kilian prepare, plan and think about strategy… but once they start in a race they only focus on the moment, or next 5 minutes – they never let their mind think beyond the next moment, the next breath, the next stride, the next drink of liquids.
- Humility – each has achieved great things, but do not allow any arrogance to enter, they have no feeling of superiority, of being special.
- Responsibility – nobody else is going to solve their problems. They know how to ask for help, to use the resources around them, but they never expect that anyone else will take the decisions for them.
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I hope this article gave you some practical ideas for how to take charge of your life.
Thanks for reading,
Make sure to check out more of my latest articles because little things keep becoming bigger and better when you think about them in new and different ways.
Also, here are the links to follow me on LinkedIn, YouTube, and Twitter so you can expand your thinking every day!
Commercial Director @
3yThanks for gathering such valuable staff at one page! Generous and very helpful :-)
Empowering High-Achievers to Unlock Greater Success through Science-Backed, Holistic Strategies
3yThanks a million for posting this article Conor. It is very much appreciated! One of your videos made me realize that life isn't about finding meaning but about giving it instead. Once again, thanks a lot and keep up the good work!
Founder at Viritech Ltd.
3yConor, thank you for these wise words, as always delivered in you convincing, gentle style
“In times of change, it is crucial to transform our business and adapt it to the new needs of our customers”.
3yThanks Conor... great collection and I am looking forward to watch them all 😉
3yMuchísimas gracias, excelentes mensajes y reflexiones, estimado Conor.