National Offer Day 2021
How can schools support families who did not get their first preference school place?
The 16th of April 2021 is National Offer Day for primary school places across the country. Starting at school is a huge milestone within a child’s life, which is both exciting, but also a potentially daunting time. The process of applying for school places can also be quite stressful for parents, especially if you don’t receive the news you want on the 16th April.
Firstly, many people do get their preference choices and if you do then massive congratulations! but unfortunately, there are some families who won’t get the news they want. Statistics show that up to 17% of families are not getting their preferred choices. Therefore, as a school make sure you are equipped and aware on how to support these families.
How can schools support disappointed parents?
If parents haven’t got their first choice at your school, be a support system for them. Here are examples of how you can do this:
- Firstly, tell parents not to panic: Offer support, reassure and comfort the family. If possible, recommend other schools in the area that may fit their needs and be helpful and supportive where ever possible.
- Guide them through the appeals process if they wish to do so – if they don’t agree with the decision that’s been made, then they have the right to file for an appeal. The appeal panel consists of members with both education and legal knowledge, who will take into consideration the reasons for appeal and any difficulties it may cause the family if their child does not attend the preferred school.
- Explain to parents that the most important thing to remember is that this child is educated and has a school place.
Read our blog for information on how schools can explain why and how the decision was made and discuss the appeal process.