SCIENCE alone can help Humans survive in times of excess struggles. Science is not some Technological "marvel" nor Super-specialty Medicine to survive when epidemics destroy lives. Science is a human thought process that helps more of the hidden potentialities and phenomena of nature, through observations, inferences, experiences, experimenting, measuring, corroborating and repeating.

Most humans, though conditioned to be living and evolving socially and collectively, seem to become (often) personal/selfish - imagining that each person knew better, and the "other" is wrong (or less intelligent). This happens more when we build a hierarchy - both as family and society. Some amongst the many become "projected" or catapulted to center stage and he/she becomes converted into heroes and often deified into cult figures.

TWO NATURAL PHENOMENA tells us that "Scepter and Crown must tumble down, and in the dust be equal made": DEATH and Deadly DISEASE. We can neither predict about both of these phenomena, nor modify/rectify/control the two, as we pleased. The latter may be slightly controlled, at least temporarily; but all diseases would still be out there, hitting back with (probably) bigger "venom" at some time during the millennium. The phenomenon cannot be changed/removed. In fact, just as life evolves through an exponential Growth-process, the Disease systems too follow the same principle.

The current spurt of so-called Corona Virus attack (COVID-19), beginning in China, late last year, and now spreading across all continents tells us about that Truth - NATURE TAKES ITS COURSE.

Diseases (through Viruses and Bacteria) are as much Natural Processes as Evolution of Life. And although Humans imagine that Homo-sapiens form the Crown in the Evolutionary Pyramid, the fact is: Life-Pyramid itself is changing in a cataclysmic way - a TIME-ENTROPY Phenomena that would decide the next "course". What we now experience, through the (almost) uncontrolled cataclysmic burst of COVID-19, is one such instance. The situation brings out another Natural phenomenon: SURVIVAL of the FITTEST. Those with better understanding and observational inferences, through experiencing (and experimenting within) the natural surroundings, would have better ability to withstand various onslaughts. The situation is both individual and collective. China recently showed their collective ability, to withstand the COVID-19 onslaught. Other countries are now experiencing the onslaught - and each nation (as collectives) would show how much the "Survival instinct" would work.

Fear of Death, through natural causes or through such diseases, is an instinct that helps in Human survival - triggering creativity. Religion/Mythology/Fables/Stories are results of imagination and creativity. SCIENCE, which began getting formulated in Europe (with England leading in those times) from 1400 AD onward, when the world's biggest explorations were also began, showed a better way to ward enhancing the "Survival instinct"

It is hoped, more people/societies learn Science, to survive better

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